Page 9 of Childstar 1

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He stared back at me, his eyes wide. “So that’s how it is? You call me when you need something, I do everything you fuckin’ ask, and now you ain’t even gonna give me the time of day? What, you too good for us now? You come home and you can’t even stop by? Did your fucking manager tell you I got a kid now? Six months old. She ain’t even seen her uncle’s face besides the news. We’re family, Noah, and you can walk around with your fancy clothes, your millionaire friends, and your hot-shot girlfriend, but you can’t change the fact that you’re a Sloan.”

“We need to make some things clear,” I said, stepping up to him. “First of all, you don’t wanna know how much it cost me to give you the time of fucking day. You can’t afford it. Secondly, yeah, that’s how it is. That’s how it’s always been. Except it’s me who is always doing the goddamn favor for you. Third, your baby girl? Katie? Who paid her bills when she was in the NICU ‘cause her mother couldn’t go nine months without shooting up? Hell, I paid for both of their bills, the house you live in, and the debt you racked up at the Horseshoe so many damn times they’ve named a table after me! You might not see me, but you sure as hell always see my money.”

“Bro, I—”

“I’m not finished!” I sneered. He looked to the side, fingering the toothpick in his mouth. “Fourth, and most importantly, I got the same friends you got, and they like me much better. I don’t want to fight with you, but don’t you dare step in my face and act like I somehow forgot what my goddamn last name was!”

He sighed, dropping his head into his hands and falling back against the wall. “You’re right. Sorry. I’m sorry. Okay? It’s just—it was good to see you face to face. I was hoping we could catch up, you know.”

“I’m busy—but I was going to come and visit,” I replied, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Plus, you know Chicago—it has to beat the shit out of you a few times before you can enjoy the view.”

He grinned stupidly. “I heard you did got locked up. This Mallory guy—you need me to…?”

“I’m good. As long as you took care of my other problem.”

“I’m hurt you even gotta ask,” Bo replied.

“Good. You know I only call you because if I can’t count on my brother—”

“Who else can you fucking count on?” he finished the saying we had as kids, shaking my hand and bringing me in for a one-arm hug.

“Alright. Alright, I’ma make myself a ghost now. But don’t forget to come down. Everybody keeps asking about you. Megan is clean now, too,” he said.

“Yeah, got it.” I nodded to him when he opened the door, giving me one more glance back before he left. When he did, only one thing crossed my mind.

I shouldn’t have called him.


“So that was Bo,” I said when Austin and I got on the elevator. We had left only minutes after Noah had dragged his brother away so quickly I could barely see anything other than his short blonde hair and tattoos on his arms.

“The one and only,” Austin replied, texting on his phone.

“Why did he come back?”

“God only knows.”

“Austin.” I turned him and he finally looked up me. “I need you to know something—I’m sure you understand

why. Noah trusts you, so I trust you. Whatever you thought of me yesterday morning no longer applies today. Are we understood?”

His eyebrow raised, practically amused and from what I could tell, impressed. “Understood, Ms. London.”

“Brilliant. Also, when we get to set, please talk to Oliver about getting all his contacts for me. You’ll be my manager also.” He didn’t question this, which was good since I wasn’t asking. The last thing I needed was someone else close to me that I had to lie to.

When the elevator doors opened, the first person I saw step out was Noah himself, his hands in his pocket. The second he saw me, a smirk spread across his face, as it did on mine.

“For the both you.” Austin handed us each a pair of sunglasses. “The press is still manic.”

The fact that that it was so early in the morning and yet they were already waiting meant that the whole world was watching us again. Just like old times—no, worse than back then. But we wanted this, right? That’s why we were even here to begin with, to become something bigger than former child stars. We’d be bigger than even Esther had dreamed. She didn’t make me. I made myself.

Amelia and Noah…no one would forget us.

“You ready?” Noah asked me.

“Been ready since I was kid.” I took the shades from Austin, who was reaching up to cover his eyes. “Are you ready?”

He didn’t answer, but simply took my hand, leading us into the lion’s den.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance