Page 35 of Childstar 1

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“Amelia,” he said sternly with his hand out. Sighing, I handed it to him. He stared at it for a long time. The corner of his lip turned up into a small smile. “I’m in. Give me some time to make a few calls and work out everything. The only way this works is if Bo doesn’t have time to move her and the car works exactly the way we need it to.”

“Noah d

oes not hear a word of this,” I repeated, taking the phone back.

He nodded.

I knew this was going to get ugly. I just prayed it worked despite that.

It is going to work. There is no plan B.

Chapter Eight


There were a few things I hated about Chicago: corrupt politicians, gang violence, the extreme weather, my father, the mystifyingly unclear parking regulations. However, at the very top of that list was none other than the Chicago PD.

It was 5 a.m. Five fucking a.m. I didn’t even know they were capable of being up and alert at 5 a.m. when they barely gave a fuck when the sun was up as it was.

“Mr. Sloan.”

I glared at the idiot in front of me, reaching to the dresser table for my pack of cigarettes. It was only when I had I blown the smoke from my nose that I relaxed enough to actually go hear them out since they had wasted their time coming to my suite.

“What can I do for Chicago’s finest?” I asked, kicking my foot up onto the table. “After all, I’ve been here for twenty-four hours. Thank you for restraining yourselves from arresting and slapping bullshit charges on me like the last time I was here. How’s Mallory?”

The two of them tensed.

Coughing, the female, whose blonde hair was pulled back so tight I wasn’t sure how she could move her head, moved to take a seat. “Mr. Sloan—”

“Ah no,” I snapped my fingers at her. “Guests sit down. You are not a guest. I do not want you comfortable, we are not friends, and hell, I have half a mind to tell you to get the fuck out.”

“Noah,” Austin spoke up from behind me. The only reason I was even doing this shit was because he had pulled me out of bed.

“Mr. Sloan, would you rather do this downtown? Because I can—”

“You can what?” I interrupted her again, taking another long drag and staring at her partner, who for the most part kept his mouth shut. He was young, so I could see why. “Do you really want to be that officer? The one who so badly wanted to stick out in your little colony of ants that you tried biting me? How’s Officer Dacosta? He and the union are fighting to get his job back now, right?”

Her jaw tensed, her fist balling up. “Have you heard anything from your father—”

“Estranged father. I was emancipated as a teenager and haven’t been in contact since.”

“Have you heard anything from your estranged father, Mr. Sloan? As you may know, there is a warrant out for his arrest.”

Tilting my head back, I looked at Austin. “Austin, has Frank tried to be in contact?”

“You don’t know?” the boy behind her finally spoke up.

“Estranged means no longer close or affectionate to someone. Alienated. Distant. Where did I lose you?” I questioned.

“Yes or no, Mr. Sl—”

“No,” Austin answered. “Mr. Sloan has not been in contact with his father.”

She forced a smile. “We need to hear it from you, Mr. Sloan. After all, I’m sure your manager can’t keep tabs on you all the time.”

You’d be fucking surprised.

“No. I have not been in contact with Frank. I do not know where he is. I have not had any affiliation with Frank Sloan. And that is all the time I have for you both this morning. Any more questions, and I’ll have to get my lawyer involved, and there will be a harassment suit filed as well.”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance