Page 15 of Childstar 1

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My chest rose and fell as I lay on top of the sheets.

Neither of us spoke as he moved to untie me, a process that thankfully took less time than the actual tying.

“I missed you,” he said when he undid the final tie, kissing the middle of my back. Smiling, I rolled over, opening my arms to him, and he lay down on top of me.

“I missed you more.”


“You both gotta be kidding me!”

Cracking one eye open, the first thing I saw was hair, Amelia’s brown hair, sprawled out on my face, her naked body partially on mine. And in the doorway was Austin, glaring down at the both of us.


10 a.m., Amelia. You have a photo shoot in an hour!”

“Please make him go away,” Amelia groaned, grabbing the sheets and dragging them over her head.

“Austin, go away,” I laughed, pulling the sheet over my head as well and grabbing her sides, causing her to giggle hysterically as she tried to roll away from me.

“You both have been like this for three months. The honeymoon needs to be over. Get up, or I swear, Amelia, I’ll make sure you’re thirty before you get another day off!” he snapped, slamming the door behind him.

“You’re only punishing the both of us!” she yelled in return as I pinned her under me.

“You’re going to give him gray hair,” I teased.

“Says the man who ditched his work in New York for a quick screw,” she laughed, sticking her tongue out at me.

“It was hardly quick—”

“Noah. Get out here now!” Austin bellowed.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“We get it! We’re—”


I froze. The tone his voice was odd. Rolling off Amelia, I pulled on my boxers before opening her bedroom door to find him staring at the TV on the wall. The scroll on the bottom read, “Huge drug bust in the heart of Chicago today.”

“Have you lost your fucking mind, Austin? I nearly had a heart attack. Why would you—”

He rewound to three minutes prior, pausing on a shot of Frank, shooting at the fucking police before jumping into a white van.

“Keep watching,” he said, fast-forwarding.

“One of the suspects, Frank Sloan, father of former child star Noah Sloan, is currently on the run—” He muted the television, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I didn’t have words. How? How is it possible for one man to be so fucking stupid?

“You should be able to guess how this gets worse,” Austin groaned, trying to contain the rage we both had to be feeling at this point.

“It gets worse than this?” Amelia stepped out, gray robe wrapped around her body, her hair an absolute mess, and I loved it. When I stretched my hand out to her, she came over, placing her hands on either side of my face.

“I get it. Being on the police’s radar—in any way, shape, or form—is bad,” she whispered, her hands working their way into my hair. “But he knows nothing about us.”

“Amelia,” I said. Sighing, I rested my head on her stomach. If only it was that simple.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Childstar Romance