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“No, that is my name,” he replied. “It just is not my full name. Now, whatever poison you have inflicted, remove it before I become annoyed.”

Déjà vu. I watched her face make that similar look as if she were really reconsidering what was going to happen.

“A circle in our coven disappeared last night. We’ve tried searching for them, but we haven’t even been able to pick up the faintest traces of their magic. Would you happen to know anything? As you did arrive last night, as well.” She probed for answers, and I wondered if this was what made her attack, knowing she’d most likely die.

“A full circle?” Theseus spoke with surprise. “Just gone? I’m surprised you are even questioning me instead of searching for them. This world is full of dangers, even for the most experienced Wiccan. And that you are not, at the very least, someone has bound a great portion of your power, have they not?”

“You haven’t answered my question!” she snapped.

“Who are you to question me?” He growled back, and I squeezed his hand. “I do not know what happened to the witches of your coven, nor do I care.”

“He’s lying,” Faye snapped, stepping forward with her fingers twitching. “I feel it. He’s the one that killed them. T

he Swans would never mess with our coven. Druella is the only other vampire in the area. We’ve been watching her for a year. She rarely drinks human blood, nor does she have the type of power to kill my brother’s circle.”

And this was one of the reasons I avoided human blood, vengeful relatives.

Jericho, just like before, turned his back to whisper to Simone. “We cannot fight with them.”

“No, you cannot, but I believe you will still try; will you not, Jericho,” Theseus spoke, making him turn around.

“Do I know you, Thorbørn?”

“No, but I know your plans, and it will only lead to your deaths,” Theseus answered, stepping forward. He lifted his now black arm to him. “Your snakes are strong. Had it been any other vampire, they would be on their knees. But I will let you in on a little secret, why every vampire here has dared not move without my acknowledgment.”

“Yes, we know, you and your family are old and powerful—”

Theseus glared. “My family would not even blink an eye at you all or your magic, but if they did, I would be the one they sent to destroy your coven.”

Jericho stepped forward, clenching his stake in his hand. “You underestimate us. That poison will kill you in minutes.”

“Doubt it, but if it does, I’ll just return.” He grinned cruelly. “You could rip me to pieces, burn me alive, poison me a thousand times, and I will live. Why? Because immortality is my gift. Do you know how many of your kind have tried? How many bewitched beasts I have fought? I have died so many times I have forgotten. I merely heal and rise again. A coven once thought if they just kept my body severed and locked under spells throughout the world that it would stop me. You should have seen their faces when they arrived at their coven meeting to see me there, just waiting, drinking from their head witch. They,” he nodded to the Swan crew of vampires. “Do not respect me; they fear me as I am the one thing in the world that is truly eternal. Is that not the truth, Taelon?”

Simone’s gaze shifted to Taelon, who slowly bowed his head to Theseus before meeting her gaze. “I have seen it with my own eyes, Simone. He is called Theseus Thorbørn, the Prince of Night, the vampire eternal. Even if you win this battle here, you will be fighting for the rest of your short lives, not just you but your children and their children. He will destroy all of your lines. And all that will remain of the great and powerful Omeron coven are the stories that other covens will tell to warn their own. We have finally managed peace; do not throw these lands into war, especially when you all have so many of your own issues to worry about.”

It almost sounded like he was begging. But he did it with a stern face, his hands behind his back, waiting.

“We made an agreement with the Swan family.” Simone turned, looking to Theseus. “We will keep peace with the Swan family, but my coven will not stand for two more Nobles, especially a Thorbørn, to just stay here.”

“Can you stop him?” Lucy spoke up, causing Taelon to growl slightly at her, and she merely looked away.

“With magic, there is always a way. We want him gone, both of them gone,” Simone said to me. “It seems the pretending is over for us both, Druella. Don’t worry about the paperwork.”

“Are you firing me?” I gasped in disbelief.

“Washington, D.C. is witch territory. Be grateful we allowed you to stay this long; besides, I doubt your mate will trust you here every day under our eyes.”

“I do not have mate,” I cut in.

“That is not what it looks like, but then you’ve always been allergic to the obvious. Goodbye, Thorbørn.” She and the rest of her witches walked around the other vampires as the double glass doors of the main entrance opened for them.

“I saved your life you….” I bit my tongue, glaring at the doors.

“What do you mean you saved her life?” Lucy asked me, but Theseus spoke up before I could.

“She means had she not told me to calm myself, I would have snapped her neck.”

“Thank you, Ms. Monroe. We’ve worked for a long time to get peace with the witches here. Simone Ward is the adoptive daughter of Axel Omeron, the coven’s head. Everything would have fallen apart had there been a battle or if anything had happened to her. War with them is not a choice any should enter into lightly.” Taelon bowed his head to me, and I bowed back. His eyebrow rose, and a small smile graced his lips. “Lord Thorbørn, my family would be honored if you and your guest would stay at our home.”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy My Midnight Moonlight Valentine Vampires