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“Honestly, Theodore, you shouldn’t overstretch yourself. Between management and the gala, you don’t have time to produce. Make sure to do something for yourself.”

“I am. I brought someone with me.” I smiled.

“Not the girl you brought to the house?”

Here it came. She was very particular about the women around her sons. Sometimes I even pitied Tori. “What about her?”

“She’s a waitress.” No matter how she tried to say it, it still came off snobbish.

“Well, as of this morning, she apparently became my personal assistant.” I got out of bed, still a little bit dizzy, and headed to the bathroom.

“You can’t be serious. Did she even go to college??



“Theodore, I’m glad you’re moving on, but I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

Why was everyone so damn worried about me getting fucking hurt? I was a grown man. If I got hurt, I got hurt and moved on.

“Mother, I like her. As of now, I’m with her. I really don’t care if she’s a waitress, or whether or not she went to college. Please get used to that. I’m sorry. I have to go.”

“Fine. Love you.”

“Yeah, me too.”

I heard her sigh before hanging up. She was still waiting for me to say the words back, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.


1:04 p.m.

“So, you’re his personal assistant?”

I glanced up from the script to look at Charlie, the woman with short blue hair, who had done my makeup yesterday. She handed me a bottle of water and took a seat beside me.

“Whose personal assistant?” I accepted the water.

She tilted her head to the side. “Mr. Darcy? That’s what he said.”

“Oh… yes.” This was the thing about lying. Once you started, you had to keep at it. “Sorry. I was so focused on this story. I’m doing my best not to skip to the end.”

“It must be really interesting working for a man like him. I can’t figure him out. He’s very cold, yet he does things like fund a brand new director’s movie.” We glanced at Mr. Hamilton, who looked much better now that the filming was going fine. “All of us were wondering where he came from. But apparently he was working as a hotel janitor. He basically threw this script at Mr. Darcy while he was on the way to the bathroom. The next day he’s being called into Darcy Entertainment, and now he has his film. Crazy, right? Who does that?”

Theodore Darcy.

“It just goes to show you,” she went on, slipping me a photo. “Sometimes real life is better than the movies. I hope you have a good day.”

I pulled the sticky note off the photo and read: No one else saw but me. We got there as the rain started. It was so cute I had to take it. :)

She had taken a photo of me in Theo’s arms, kissing under the rain. The only light was coming from the movie screen, but she’d captured our faces perfectly.

“Ms. Harper?”

Nolan was beside me. “The crew is about to break for an hour or two. Would like to go anywhere or have me bring you anything to eat?”

Eat! I’d completely forgotten. Theo might not have gotten up yet.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance