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“Yes, ma’am. Mr. Darcy told me to take you around for the day.”

Had he done that when I was in the shower? Because I didn’t remember him calling anyone. “I was wondering if you could take me to the movie set.”

He looked at me strangely but nodded. “Of course. Do you have everything?”

“Yep, thanks.” I let myself in on the passenger side of the car.

“You wouldn’t be more comfortable in the back, ma’am?”

“The front is fine, and again, it’s just Felicity.”

He looked at me like I was an alien but didn’t say anything as he started the engine. Winding down the window, I stuck my hand out, enjoying the warm breeze on my skin.

Don’t get involved, Felicity.

I knew I shouldn’t try to insert myself anymore than I already had into his life. I should just walk away, and I was going to. After this week I was going to end things with him. It was getting too serious. He wanted more from me than I could give him or anyone else. I didn’t want to hurt


Why would I?

That thought. That brief second where I hoped for something more was the very reason why I had to leave. Taking out my phone, I texted Cleo and Mark: After this week I’m done with him.

Cleo: I understand.

Mark: I don’t.

Me: I’m going to screw this up. You know that.

Mark: No I don’t, and neither do you. Have you ever thought maybe you aren’t scared of you hurting him but him hurting you?

Cleo: Mark, life is not one big romantic comedy. Just because he’s into her now doesn’t mean this is forever. They barely know each other, and even if he knew everything, what would Felicity’s life be like?

Me: Exactly. We get along great… now. Besides, I don’t fit into his life.

Mark: Are they legal?

Me: Are what legal?

Mark: The things you guys are doing, are they legal?

Me: Yes.

Even though it felt so good it shouldn’t be.

Mark: Do you feel safe with him?

I knew what he was doing, and I couldn’t bring myself to reply. He texted me again.

Mark: Most importantly, are you happy with the situation you’re in?

Texting them had been a bad idea. I felt even more conflicted now than I had on my own. It did make me wonder, though. Mark and Cleo could be so alike yet have such varying views on the world.

“Ms. Felicity?”

“Huh? Yes?” I looked at Nolan.

He pointed to the white mansion we were now in front of. “We’re here. Would you like me to give you a moment?”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance