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I lasted about two minutes before checking my phone again. That only upset me more.

No texts. No emails. No calls.

Then again, why would he bother after the way I left? I was so confused and conflicted. I was upset with him for not listening to me and upset with myself for being annoyed he hadn’t contacted me. I didn’t understand women. We all did this. I’d thought I was different, yet here I was. Logically it made no sense, but who ever knew me to be totally logical?

Screw it.

Taking off both gloves, I texted him: Did the background check finally come through?

Before I’d even finished putting it away, he replied. I tried to fight the grin on my face as I held the phone up.

Theo: I was actually supposed to meet someone about that today. He said it was urgent.

Urgh. I wasn’t sure what to say to that, so I said nothing at all as I wheeled the trash bin back into the janitor’s closest. Not even a minute later, my phone buzzed as he texted me back.

Theo: Question: how the hell do you text with that dinosaur phone of yours?

Answer: with my thumbs. I smiled.

Theo: Witty.

I have my moments.

Theo: What have you been doing?

Living the blue-file life. I grinned. Happily, I may add.

Theo: Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me?

I’m not.

Theo: Then why did you text me?

I didn’t reply, but that didn’t stop him.

Theo: You texted me because I crossed your mind enough for you to finally give in.

Still I said nothing.

Theo: And if I crossed your mind, that means you aren’t happily enjoying the blue-file life. You rejected that life for a reason, so no matter what you do, you can’t go back, Felicity.

I read his lines aloud as I leaned against the door and texted him back: What makes you so sure of yourself? Just because I texted you first doesn’t mean anything.

Theo: You may have texted me first, but I came to the diner today. Rosemary said you were off, and I asked her not to tell you.

“What?” I said aloud.

Me: Why did you come?

Theo: I missed the shitty coffee.

I laughed outright at that, but my smile faded as I wondered what he would think of me once he knew about my past.

Me: Let’s see how much you miss shitty coffee after you’ve found out all my secrets.

There was a pause, and it felt like hours and not minutes before he finally texted me back.

Theo: Tell me not to look at it.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance