Page 106 of Sugar Baby Beautiful

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Date: Wed, June 14th

Subject: The sun


I have no idea what I am doing or what I should say. I keep asking myself, how did I get her? What was it that made it impossible for me to get you out of my head even from the beginning? The answer, well, it’s complicated. At first it was your music. The moment I heard you play, it felt like someone else understood everything I couldn’t say out loud.

I have a decent family.

I have a job I truly enjoy and get paid more than some people could ever dare to dream, yet I felt empty all the time. It makes me feel guilty. There are people living far worse lives than me. There are people out there truly suffering. What right do I have to be depressed?

I was frustrated with myself and the world around me.

Then suddenly you appeared in my life, and you were like the sun. You made everything brighter. Everything seems at little darker when you’re gone.

Theodore Darcy

CEO Darcy entertainment

Date: Sat, June 17th

Subject: Mrs. Beauchamp


Today I got a copy of the scene from our movie debut in North Carolina. It’s safe to say you would look beautiful in any decade. You did an awful job sewing that handkerchief, but I think it actually made the scene more charming. Truth is I miss Ambler. It felt like everything was perfect there. Part of me wishes I could turn back the clock and stay in the moment. What do you think would have happened if we hadn’t come back?

Ernest Beauchamp, a man with too many regrets

Date: Tues., June 20th

Subject: God, I hate Mondays.

This morning I could have sworn I heard you call me, and I rolled over and sure as hell I fell of my bed. I lay on the ground completely stunned before laughing at myself. As you can see, I’m not at all as put together as I seem. In fact, I think on the inside I’m a total mess. Today more than any other day. Today was my mother’s birthday. But I’m pretty sure my birth father thinks it’s mine because yet again this year I got a gift from him. He’s in Bangkok. So he sent me one of those large hats the people use to block the sun. I’ll save it for you to figure out what to do with. I was tempted to fling it out the window.

Anyway, I hope you’re doing all right and at least finding one thing to laugh about, even if it’s yourself. No one out here is really any better than you in there.

I wonder if that’s comforting news?


“Mind if I sit here?”

Theo stood beside me with his shoes off, his feet buried in the sand.

“I don’t know, my boyfriend could get jealous.” I smirked when he sat down.

“Really, a boyfriend? You sound serious about him.”

Rolling my eyes, I nodded. “Yeah. I keep trying to walk away from him because he’s a little too perfect for me. I keep wondering, what if I screw up his life as much as I’ve screwed up mine? I’m also scared of what would happen if he realizes this and leaves. So I do what I do best and run. But he’s a runner, so he always catches up to me.”

“He sounds serious too. What does this guy look like? Handsome? Tall? Highly intelligent—”

“Now you’re just fishing for compliments!” I laughed.

“You can’t blame a guy for trying.” He grinned.

Placing my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes, exhaling deeply. “You’re one of a kind, Theodore Darcy.”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance