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It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t false either. I didn’t answer.

“Good.” She went on anyway. “It will make them believe you more. But don’t forget who your true family is. Do not disappoint me, Calliope.”

She ended the call just like that and I tossed the phone on the counter, looking back at my reflection. So many people had tried and failed to destroy the Callahans. My grandmother knew that the only way to win was to use the only weapon the Callahans always surrendered to. Love.

Win the heart of the Ethan Callahan.

Then destroy everything. That was their plan. This family had destroyed ours. They killed my uncles. It was one of Melody’s men who assaulted my mother. The reason my life was hell growing up was because of the Callahans. I glanced down to the red diamond on my finger. I was officially one of them. Everything was supposed to be an act within an act, but I loved him.

I remembered Gigi’s cries. She was really excited to be here with her father. I had a child so early because my grandmother thought it would be to my benefit and now it made things…complicated. Rinsing my face, I heard the door open behind me. When I glanced in the mirror I saw his green eyes staring intently. He wore no shirt. His perfectly sculpted abs were on full display, he wore only the black boxer briefs I’d stripped him down to when I returned to his rooms.

“You look ill,” I said him, wiping my face with a towel.

“You made me ill.”

I smirked at that, nodding as I turned to face him. “I did. But I must have gone soft on you and gave you lesser dose.”

“Or I could be much stronger than you expected,” he added as stepped inside further, pinning me against the sink.

“I think I have a full assessment of your strength already.” I smiled. He always made me smile even when I didn’t want to.

“Is that so?” He lifted me up and placed me on the sink.

“It’s so,” I whispered, kissing him. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and tilted my head to the side, kissing where my shoulder met my neck and cupping my breast through my tank top. I could feel myself melting to him.

“Do you trust me, Ethan?” I asked him gently.

His kissed up to my ear before replying softly, “It is a little too late to be asking, isn’t it?”

I didn’t reply, and he broke away, standing tall between my legs. He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes peering down into mine.

“Do you trust me, Calliope?”

I didn’t answer either because I remembered once again how alike we both really were. Why I loved him. I didn’t have to say or ask certain things. Placing my hands on his face, I brought his head down slightly so I could put my foreheads on his.

“It’s going to get very bloody from here on out.” I whispered to him.

His hands settled on my waist and the corner of his lips turned up into a small smile; “Of course it is...that is the only way kingdoms are made.”

Just like that I grinned too. “What if I need your blood for that kingdom?”

He searched my eyes before speak. “Then take it, without hesitation.”

“And if you need mine?”

“I will do the same.”

“Without hesitation?”

“Without hesitation.” He repeated and kissed my check. It reminded me of how Judas did Jesus. He kissed until his lips met my ear again. “I know who you are Calliope, I know how dark, distorted and broken your soul is, I know who made it that way. You and I are beyond the point of trust.”

I couldn’t help but lean into him, wrap my arms around his neck. “Kiss me.”

He did, his hand gripping on to my ass tightly.

All hell was going to break loose later, but right now I just wanted to forget everything and feel him in me.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Children of Vice Romance