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I shook my head. “I’m watching one. You’re going to sleep.”

He laughed, a little surprised. “You want me to sleep while you watch a movie?”

“Yes,” I nodded, reaching up and brushing his dark brown hair from his face. “You’re exhausted, right? And you’re most likely going to be busy later on, too, so we’ll spend time together now and you can get your rest.”

He just stared at me. “This wasn’t what I was thinking when you called me here.”

“I know, don’t overthink it. Come on,” I said, tapping my lap for him to rest his head on me.

Again, he stared.

“Wyatt, lie the fuck down.”

He grinned and nodded, laying his head in my lap. “Your legs might go numb.”

“With all the squats and leg presses I do, I doubt it.” I lifted a few of the grapes to the side of me up and into my mouth before pressing play on the movie.

“How am I supposed to sleep with your beauty all in my face?”

At that I actually snorted and giggled, shaking my head. “Oh, that was so cheesy.”

“You like cheesy lines…I bet this movie is filled with them.”

“It is, now go to sleep.”

“You’re not going to look at me?”

I shook my head, swallowing the grape in my mouth. “Nope.”


“I don’t want to molest you while you sleep.”

At that he outright laughed, and I still didn’t look down at him. “Please, go ahead.”

“You better not complain and give a long-winded story about how you couldn’t get sleep later,” I said before eating another grape.

“My story was not long-winded.”

“It was so long-winded that I took a nap and you still hadn’t gotten to your point,” I replied, and he laughed again, this time softer.

“You’re cute.”

“Not the look I was going for today, but I’ll take it.” I shrugged, and in all honestly, I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie. He made me too nervous for that.


“What?” I sighed.

“You’re free to touch me whenever you want,” he whispered, shifting onto his side, still a little on my lap. I waited until I saw his whole body relax and his breathing start to even out before I finally exhaled. He was a little heavy, but my thighs were fine. Nothing on earth was going to make me move him.

I waited a good half hour before reaching down and gently touching the side of his face. “If you only realized how happy I am just to touch you. Just for you to be here…love isn’t fair, and whoever loves the most automatically loses. I know I’m going to lose, but this moment is still worth it.”


I was exhausted.

But in her room, on her lap, I felt so relaxed I couldn’t sleep. It was a new feeling for me…relaxing. Which was why I was awake, my body had calmed down, my mind has calmed, but I couldn’t sleep. However, the moment she started to speak, I forced myself to close my eyes. Whatever else she was going to say, I wanted her to say it the way she wanted…privately. But as I started to drift off, I couldn’t help but think…

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Children of Vice Romance