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“His mother’s house. Hiding under the bed, I’m sure, which gives us time to enjoy our anniversary before paying him a visit.” He grinned, grabbing my arm and lifting me off my seat.

“Anniversary? We do not have—”

Placing a finger on my lips, he smiled then looked me dead in the eye as he said; “For tonight, forget you’re a Callahan and all the baggage that comes with that and simply have fun with me.”

He looked like a puppy…that was the excuse I gave myself as I followed him out of the gazebo and on to path towards the house, just as Greyson walked towards us. I tried to pull my hand away, but Toby held on tighter.

“Greyson, whatever it is, it can wait—”

“No, it can’t. Don’t speak for me!” I yanked harder, ripping my hand from his and turning to face Greyson, who looked between us both for a moment, glaring at Toby before looking to me.

“The new shipment has come in. However, they’re short.”

I froze, my whole-body stiffened. “How short?”

“Short enough that there needs to a very good excuse—”

“No excuses,” I cut him off, stepping closer I asked him again. “Does Ethan often give anyone a chance to give him an excuse?”

“No, ma’am.” He stood straighter.

“So, why should I?” I tilted my head to the side. He didn’t answer. “Do the major cities have enough?”

“The Golden Three paid for more this time but they haven’t gotten it,” he replied.

“Since Boston is on hold for now, have them send their shipment to the new Golden Three; Charlotte, Charleston, Jackson. Then, if anyone has anything they aren’t moving, have it sent to Miami and Savannah.”

“We have reverses—”

“No. That reeks of desperation. Do I look desperate to you?” I asked him.

“No, ma’am,” Greyson said, with a slight laugh in his voice, and I turned to Toby.

“You come with me!” I snapped, already heading off the path into the woods. I walked for at least five minutes before turning to him and bringing my hand across his face as hard as I could. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?”

His head was still turned to the side as if he couldn’t believe I’d hit him.

“Do you feel

good about that?” he asked, his eyes shining with rage, his fist clenched at his side. I wanted to smack him a second time. “Slapping me when you know I can’t slap you back? And believe me, if you were anyone else, I’d do it.”

“THAT IS THE PROBLEM!” I yelled. “I am not anyone else. I cannot forget I am a Callahan! Do not act upset. Do not pretend to be my victim; you are victim of yourself! You wanted to be with me and I made it clear that if we were, I was not going to treat you any different to anyone else and yet you keep insisting that I do! You keep forcing my hand. Who are you to decide whether or not I hear news about my family’s business! News YOU should be giving me! Instead, you are making me look weak!”

“YOU CAN’T BE EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO BE!” he roared back at me. “For now, you are the head of this family, but what happens when Ethan returns? You’re just going to sit in the corner with your blood boiling because he’s taken over again! What are you going to do? Never marry anyone? You said you wanted to be loved! THAT IS WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO! You don’t seem to get that you’re going to have to give up on something, Dona, because you can’t be Callahan and stand above everyone while still trying to find your equal! NOT UNLESS you plan on screwing your own—”

This time, I punched him dead on the nose, his whole head going back and for the first time, he hit me back. Something erupted between us. His fist slammed into my side.

“UGH!” I screamed, bouncing back into the ring, hopping in place, keeping my body moving and fighting the pain. He grinned, flicking the tip of his nose with his finger as he glared at me. When he came forward again, I ducked down and he shifted his punch, coming towards my face, replaying the punch he’d give my side. With an elbow right into his balls, I sent him curling forward before I grabbed his fingers and bent them back, twisting his whole arm while rising up and bringing him to his knees.

When Toby reached up, grabbed my blouse, and flipped me over him and onto my back, I couldn’t think; the pain shooting up my body like lightening in a tree.

I rolled away from him on the ground of the woods; dirt, dry leaves all in my clothes, before he could grab ahold of me. I got to my feet and charged the small distance between us, head-butting him right in the nose and mouth. I felt his teeth hit my skull, but I didn’t stop. When his head was thrown back, I punched him as quick and as many times as possible. He dropped his arm down, and I took the opportunity to hit him, but his arms wrapped around me like a snake, giving him enough time to lock his arms, pick me up off my feet, and run my back right into one of the trees. I lifted my arms to block him, but he grabbed them, holding them over my head and kissing me; his tongue in my mouth, his body pressed hard against me, and I couldn’t help it, going from pain to that…felt…

“OH…” I moaned into his mouth, grabbing on to his shirt when he let my hands go, only to hike my skirt up to my waist.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he gasped when our lips broke away for only a second. But I didn’t want to talk, I wanted to fuck, so I reached down and undid his pants, grabbing his cock.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I whispered back, before kissing him again.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Children of Vice Romance