Page 93 of Malachi and I

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I stood up slowly.

When he looked up to me, he seemed so distant, like he wasn’t really here anymore.

“Malachi?” I walked over to him.

He watched me come over to him and it was only when I placed my hands on his cheeks that he spoke again. “I don’t want you to go.”


“You walk out…we leave,” he swallowed painfully. “Something will keep us apart again. We won’t come back here in this life.”

“You were the one who told me I couldn’t stop living.”

He smiled but he didn’t mean it. “I lied.”

“You promised three times, and even swore you’d believe we’d make it. Was that lie too?” I stared directly into the pain behind his blue eyes.

He placed his hands on the sides of my face and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. “Does the boss have any work for me to do while she’s running the world?”

I grinned, it was the best question to ask.

“Whatever you’re thinking…my question was asked in sarcasm.”

“Nope, you can’t take it back. I’ll call and have them set up the interviews—uhh...!” I giggled as I tried to twist out of his arms when he tickled my sides.

“I don’t do interviews, Esther,” he said tickling me.

“You do now…ha…stop! Hahaha!” Breaking free of his arms I made a run for it and made it to the other side of the couch before turning back to him. Both of us were moving right to left as he tried to get to me. “You said you didn’t do them because you were trying to avoid…me. Well, it didn’t work so now you have to do them again like every other author.”

He faked right and I moved left trying to avoid him. But instead of running around the couch he jumped over it and grabbed me.

“Cheater!” I cried out as he wrapped his arms around me.

He kissed the side of my head. “I can’t cheat when there are no rules.”

“One interview! I expect you to pull your weight in this relationship, thank you very much.”

“Excuse me?” He laughed and I could feel his chest rumble as he did.

I nodded proudly. “Yep. Your books are doing okay but I mean one book a year? You can do better than that don’t you think? Or am I supposed to bring home all the bacon?”

“Meanwhile, we’re in my hotel room.”

“Bought with the check my company gave you.”

“That I worked for.”

“Urgh! Just do the interview!” I cried out. He couldn’t stop laughing and I loved it. I loved it more than his frown or his worry or his fear.

“Only one! For the sake of the bacon,” he muttered in my ear. “Happy?”

“Not even for the sake of your girlfriend but for bacon?”

“Girlfriend?” He teased his voice getting higher. “Ms. Noëlle, when did I make you my girlfriend?”

Rolling my eyes, I escaped and moved towards the bedroom but not before saying, “When you came back for me.”

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance