Page 85 of Malachi and I

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“And here I was baring my soul—” She tried to move her arms away but I held on to her.

“You said you had an early meeting this morning, right?” I glanced at the clock…it was already five a.m.

“Crap, yeah I needed to—”

“Cancel.” I let go and turned around to face her. “While you were sleeping, I called and had the fridge stocked. You were right, anything can be delivered in this city. So, let’s stay for at least today.”

“I thought you sai

d you didn’t want us to stop living life?” she asked as I tugged at the hem of her panties.

“I did,” I replied as I grabbed her ass and pressed her body against mine, my lips at her ears. “Today I just want to live while inside you. For the first time in our lives, from sunup to sundown, let’s indulge in one another without any interruptions.”

“I’m not going to be able to walk straight, am I?” She snickered as she played with the hem of my boxers.

I couldn’t help but smirk at that. “When you can’t walk, I’ll carry you.”

“You promise?”

“I swear it.”

“Then don’t hold back.”

With pleasure.


“Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack.”

Glancing up from the sketchbook in front of me she stood in a soft pink silk robe which she’d pulled off her shoulders slightly, and she purposefully stuck out her smooth brown leg. She was the epitome of beauty but that line…I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Really?” I asked between laughs.

She grinned from ear to ear as she nodded and skipped over to the couch. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say that line. And do this.”

The moment she dropped the robe the laughter coming out of my throat morphed into a cough, as I found myself unable to look away from the curve of her breasts and her waist. I’d seen all of her by now and yet she still sucked all the air out of my lungs without exerting any effort.

“Where do you want me?” she asked as she moved over to the couch while I struggled to get the air back into my lungs. Finally, she looked to me and her confidence dwindled and slowly her arms crossed over her chest.

Placing the book and my pencils to the right of me I rose from the carpet opposite the couch and walked to her as she leaned back.

“You’re making this much more intense than it was in my head,” she whispered when I tilted her chin back.

“Good.” Smirking I nodded as I directed. “Turn a little. Yes, like that,”

Taking a few of the pillows from the couch, I hovered over her as I positioned her hips and hands. Her lips clamped down and she tried not to look at me, and because I couldn’t help myself—because I desperately craved her attention—I tapped her chest.

“Where’s your giant diamond?” I teased.

She looked up to me and her eyes were like gemstones. Reaching up she touched my bare chest and allowed her hand to settle directly over my heart. “I put the most precious thing in here for safe keeping.”

I looked down at her hand. “Was that wise?”

“Undoubtedly,” she whispered as her voice forced me to look at her again. “You’ve kept it over and over again, even when I forget, even when…when you have no one with whom you can share the pain with…when you were alone. I’m sorry I couldn’t do the same.”

There she went again…making me weak…making me feel as if we were saying hello and goodbye all at the same time.

“Stay still.” I took her hand off my chest and kissed it before I placed it back over her waist. Getting up off the couch I moved back to my place and sat down.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance