Page 50 of Malachi and I

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Esther nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be there!”

The first one gave her a thumbs up as the younger one called out— “Mornin’! Were you supposed to meet Joanna yesterday?”

“Crap!” She looked ready to run. “Did she go to her daughter-in-law’s already? Was anyone able to help her?”

“Yeah, they said…”

I stopped listening. Daughter-in-laws? Joanna? Pete? Cobie and Bo? Who the hell were these people and how was she so close to them already?



Another squad car turned into the station and stopped right beside us. Inside the face of a familiar fake smiling blond whose name I couldn’t remember, stared at us. Next to him sat a red-headed female officer with freckles all over her white nose.

“Hey, David. Hi, Murphy.”

Great, more irrelevant names.

“Esther, the connoisseur.”

The what now?

“Oooo…” The woman beside mocked. “You’re using big words there, David, connoisseur.”

“Shut it, Murph.” He snapped at her.

She ignored him and leaned forward and waved at me. “Hi. I’m Murphy Daniels. Are you the infamous Malachi?”

“Hunchback and all,” I replied emotionlessly causing Esther to elbow me in the rib.

David shook his head. “Don’t take it personally—”

“It is personal though.” I cut in and Esther hung her head as if she were about to die of embarrassment.

“David, Murphy, we’re going to catch a bite eat, you know those snickers commercials?”

The what?

“The ones where Betty White gets tackled?” The redhead asked and then laughed. “I love that one.”

“Yeah, he’s in Betty White mode right now. We’ll see you at the festival.”

What mode?

And when did I sign up for a festival?

It was like I’d walked into a parallel universe.

“Okay, I’ll save you a seat.” David nodded to her and nodded to me. “Nice to see you out, Mr. Lord.”

I was about to tell him the truth when Esther interrupted. “See you! I’m so excited!”

“I bet it’s nothing like the city but I hope you like it.” He winked at her and drove inside towards the other cars.

She waited until we walked a few feet before smacking my arm. “Try to act like you don’t hate people, please.”

“I don’t hate people though.” I just didn’t want to know them.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance