Page 43 of Malachi and I

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Not again.

“Rise and shine.”

Rolling over I covered my eyes against the assaulting rays of the sun. “Tell me, is this going to be a daily thing?”

“Only until you start getting up before me. Here’s breakfast.”

Looking to my left I saw a full plate of food was waiting for me along with a steaming cup of decaf coffee. This time on the silverware was an origami butterfly.

Sitting up I glared at her. How she could be so upbeat at such an ungodly hour was beyond me.

“Did you write anything last night? Were you inspired?”

Ignoring her I took the butterfly and opened up the wings. “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.—Chinese Proverb.” I looked to her. “What?”

“Translation. You should have written the book yesterday but since you didn’t we can start today. Do you have any ideas?”

“Have you started with the Yamauchi’s story yet?”

The smile on her face dropped and she glared at me. “No one is waiting—”

“They are old. You should try before they die.”

“Eat.” She handed me a piece of toast. “I’m trying, are you?”

“You don’t try to write you just write,” I told her as I bit into the toast.

“Then why aren’t you writing?!” She snapped at me.

I ate more. “Today is a little bit salty don’t you think? And can I get some real coffee?”

“You are an insufferable human being.” She stood up. “I am not your maid, I can leave anytime I want to.”

“Goodbye then.” I nodded to her.

She reached out as if she were going to choke me before stomping out and slamming the door behind her.

“Don’t forget the coffee!” I hollered.

She cursed at me and I smirked as I bit into a piece of bacon.





“Good morning!”

“I’m changing the locks,” I muttered as the sun hit my eyes.

“I’ll break a window.”

What was terrible was that I believed her. She really would break the windows.

Tags: J.J. McAvoy Romance