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“Are you ready, little one?”

“Uh huh,” she moans.

“That’s not the correct reply.”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m ready. Help me get to where I need to be.”

“Hold on tight, sugar,” I warn, and she does as she’s told. I smirk into her center and then give her the words she needs to hear. “Come. Come for Daddy. Unleash from your wet pussy all over Daddy’s face as he drinks you down.”

“Oh my…!”

She doesn’t even get the last word out, her body jerking violently as she unloads a monsoon of fluids onto my face, just like I ordered.

Quickly, my tongue working like a windshield wiper on high speed, I mop my skin clean, making sure not to spill a precious drop of my baby girl’s first climax. I swear it holds the keys to longevity, youth, energy, and everything I’ve ever wanted in life and never even knew it.

Because until recently I’d never even met her.

And now that we have come together, in this way, I know without a doubt that by opening her up I’ve opened up something inside of both of us.

And now there’s no turning back.

Her body continues jerking and flopping, the storage rack shaking wildly and an eighty-pound bag of coffee falling and landing on the floor, quickly followed by multi-packs of tea and finally glasses.

Yet I don’t stop for a second, focusing on the only thing that matters. Everything else in life is replaceable, but not her. Not this moment.

Seconds turn to minutes and finally her body begins to still, and from head to toe, she becomes boneless, collapsing into my arms where I hold her tight, running my fingers through her hair and kissing her on the cheek as she sits on my thigh.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she says after she’s finally able to catch her breath.

“There’s more where that came from, angel.”

“But…do I need to be a bad girl to get your special punishments?”

“No. You shouldn’t be a bad girl at all,” I correct, but I see the light switching on in her head and I know I’ve probably created a brat for life, or at least when she senses the time is right. As much as I want her to obey, I can’t deny that a little bratty behavior from time to time isn’t going to be a bad thing.

“Then what should I be, Daddy?”

I kiss her on the top of the head. “Exactly what you already are.”

“What’s that?”

“Perfect. And mine.”



“Oh my, God. What have I done?” I ask aloud, but to no one in particular as I jump off of Jake’s lap and hurry to put my clothes back on.

“Wait a minute,” I hear just before a thick finger hooks into the back of my belt loop and pulls me backward, my top still not on.

“Jake! I have to get dressed. I’m on the clock. I could lose my job,” I protest.

“What job? The one where you’re seemingly harassed each and every day? The one where you very visibly have a co-worker you don’t get along with? The one where you’re in here sixteen hours a day slaving away to make ends meet? That’s not a job. That’s a prison sentence and it needs to end.”

I shake my head. “I’m not going to accept financial help, or a job from you, at least not right now.”

I’m not really sure what he expects out of our relationship, but I definitely don’t want to feel like a sugar baby. I want real because this is very real to me. I cock my head back and once Jake understands I’m not going to run away his hand slides from my belt loop and I turn to face him. And immediately I see the ownership in his narrowed eyes and the look of complete satisfaction on his face. Speaking of his face, his entire face looks like it’s been through a washing machine and his hair, despite being short, is a mess. I suppress a giggle knowing it’s all because he was just buried in my groin, doing what he did to me. What he did being everything…almost.

Tags: Lena Little Yes, Daddy Erotic