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“No, Sarah.”

“I thought we’d gone over this.”

“I know it’s strange but after being around Jade, she feels more like a sister and a best friend. I guess I’d like to know what she was like, you know? Was she nice? Mean? Did she have a good life?”

He didn’t know why she wanted to know. “She was lovely. She was always smiling. She did have a temper, but she always kept it in check. There was nothing that fazed her, you know. She was always in constant control no matter what. I think at times I scared her.”

“You did?”

“Just because of who I was. Not anything I ever did. I was an asshole. Her family gave her a good life, Tulip.”

“Good. Good.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “Landon?”


“Never leave me.”

He held her even tighter. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”


Three days later

“A wedding?” Tulip asked.

“You heard right. It would seem Gabriel has decided to take the lead and is now the chosen one when it comes to bringing the Castillo and Denton lines together.” Jade popped a grape into her mouth.

“And you’re happy with this?”

It had been three days since she and Landon had been manhandled out of the bedroom and forced into isolation with each other. They’d been sent food, but it was only this morning that they’d been allowed to be free. She’d been told where Jade was, and Landon had business with his uncle.

Three days she’d spent in Landon’s arms, in his bed, with him inside her. They had yet to use a condom, but she hadn’t told him about needing the morning-after pill.

She pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she focused on the picnic she was having with Jade.

The other woman didn’t look sad or lost. She seemed in control.

“I don’t know if I’m happy or what. Rick managed to get my father to agree to me staying here. He wanted someone to keep an eye on me and seeing as the marriage is due in less than three weeks, it only makes sense that I get to know Gabriel and all of that stuff.” She shrugged. “So far I haven’t seen him. Apart from when he brings me food or clothes. He doesn’t talk much.”

“Do you think he hates being with you?”

“I don’t know. I was happy to die.”

“Don’t talk like that,” Tulip said. “I know we haven’t known each other very long but I’d like to think we’re friends.”

“Speaking of, this could be the last day we see each other.”

“What? Why?”

“I overheard the guards talking. The bounty is still out on Landon’s head, and three guards were killed last night. The hunter was locked in the basement. Landon needs to move. His location is compromised here.”

“Oh, and here I was thinking this place was like a fortress.”

“It is, but a bounty is all about the money and the kill, right?”

“I don’t know. For me it’s been about paying my bills, eating, and finding work.” Tulip sighed. “You know I’m going to go with him, don’t you?”

“I figured you would. Why don’t you guys go back to England?”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance