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“That was a close one,” Jade said. “We nearly didn’t make it out alive. We’re going to need her if we’re going to survive with you having a bounty on your head. Until your brothers can disable it, they’re going to keep on coming. You could die, Landon.”

“This is the first one in months.”

“Because we’ve been able to lay low. With little miss doppelganger here, they were able to find us. You exposed yourself, Landon.”

“You’re saying this is my fault? Bitch, I’ve had a really bad couple of days, so if you want to lay blame at anyone’s feet, make sure it’s at his family’s. I was happy in my own little world, working two jobs, making a living. I’m here against my will.”

She was more than happy to take blame when she needed to, but there was no way she was going to take any of this shit.

“Enough,” Landon said. “We’ve got to keep moving. Find a hotel for the night, and then we’ll take it from there.”

He still didn’t let go of her hand.

“A year ago, you would have been able to take me. I’ve been training with Landon. I’d like to see you try.”

“Do not even start with me,” Tulip said. She was at the end of her tether right now.

In a foreign country, with her dead sister’s boyfriend, chased by a bunch of bounty hunters, homeless, and penniless, she wasn’t in the mood for any garbage, not tonight. Not now.

Landon didn’t stop driving and he didn’t let go of her hand.

“By the way, your soup tasted like dog shit,” Tulip said.

“I know. I don’t know why, though. I mean, I make a mean lasagna, so turning it into a soup should have been so easy,” Jade said.

“Are you always this chirpy?”

Landon snorted.

“No, I’m not. Usually, I’m really moody but for some strange reason, I enjoy killing people. Especially if it’s men intent on taking me back to my family. I do like killing them.”

Tulip lifted her hand to her face. This was all a little too much.

“Are you okay?”

“No, I’m far from okay but there’s nothing we can do about it. You’re not going to let me leave, so I’ve got to deal with this shit on my own.”

Chapter Seven

“Nothing unusual? You’re sure?” Landon asked.

“Like I said, if there was anyone here that I didn’t recognize or gave me cause for concern, I would have found some way to get into contact with you. There was some press here, or at least tabloid people over a pie-eating contest. I stayed out of the way. No pictures.”

Landon nodded as he looked out into the night sky.

He was the only one who knew where Tamsin was. He’d taken her to a small town, given her a whole new identity and the means of starting a new life. It didn’t mean he stopped missing her. He did. He missed all of his family, but sacrifices needed to be made. He hadn’t acted rashly even though his brothers liked to think he did. Nope, killing his father was a perfectly sane idea. Fucking stupid, and he wasn’t an idiot. He knew he’d messed up, but he’d done what he had to do.

Protecting his sister was more important to him than anything. She didn’t need to be part of this life. After he’d done what he could to keep her safe, he’d been more than happy to die. Of course, he’d never been willing to die. Every single person who came after him would have to deal with him putting up a fight. His father hadn’t raised someone who was willing to give up.

“How are you?” she asked. “Not that I don’t like hearing from you, Landon, but you only ever call me when you’re in trouble.”

He laughed. He’d accidentally told her he was running for his life and may not call for a while a few months ago. Big mistake on his part. He knew she worried, and he’d been high on painkillers at the time. He learned his lesson and never called her unless he was in control of all of his functions.

“I’m fine.”

“And how is everyone else? You know, Jacob, and the others.”

“They’re fine. Last time I checked, they had nothing wrong with them,” he said, rubbing at his face. “I’ve got to go now. Stay in that town. Don’t befriend anyone you don’t know. They’re still looking for you, Tamsin. They will find a way to get to you but I’ll do whatever I can to protect you.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance