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Guilt swamped her. She’d assumed way too much, and she ran a hand down her face. “I’m so sorry. I’m behaving like a total bitch. I shouldn’t.”

“Sometimes we should just accept help even if we don’t know the entire truth around it.”

She nodded. “You’re right.” She took a deep breath. “I hope I can pay you back for all of this.” She opened up the catalogue and kept flicking pages.

Damian tapped the desk with his pen, and every time she turned to look at him, he was staring at her.

Minutes passed, and everything she looked at was so beautiful, so elegant, and she saw the prices. A shirt was over a hundred bucks, and for her that was close to two weeks’ rent money. Hell no. there was no way she was spending that kind of money on clothes.

“You know what, I think it would be easier if I did this.” Damian took the book from her, and she watched as he went right back to the beginning.

“I can pick something.”

“No, you can’t. You’re a pain in the ass. Anyone ever tell you that?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, they have.”

“I am not surprised. It doesn’t take rocket science to look and think, ‘oh that is pretty. I will wear that.’” He went to page three where a woman wore some dark blue jeans and a red blouse. It was simple, and he looked at her then back at the page. He started writing it down. “What’s your size?”


“Just tell me your size. I’m guessing a size eighteen, maybe a twenty.” She crossed her arms and nodded.

“I’m a size eighteen in jeans and a twenty in shirts.” She had huge breasts, and often was a larger size in shirts.

Mia didn’t know what to expect, maybe some teasing or some rude names, but Damian just wrote it down, and went back to the catalogue. He added a white summer dress, and then one in green, red, and blue. She was amazed with how fast he went through the book.

“Next lingerie.”

“I can pick this.”

“I don’t think so. You couldn’t even do normal wear.” She covered her face as he began to write down sets in all different kinds of colors in lace and silk. “That is so beautiful,” he said pointing at a black and red set that was nice on the model. “Your curves would totally fill this out.”

“Wow, you really don’t have a filter, do you?”

“Something you should learn early about Denton men, we really don’t. We say what is on our mind, and don’t second guess ourselves. You’ve got a hot body, Mia. I will take any compliments that you want to dish out.” He sat back, opening up his jacket, and she saw that he was in fact joking around with her. It was so strange, but it was like he was trying to be her friend.

“You’re not like any man I’ve ever met before.”

“That is a good thing. Believe me, some men are total assholes, and you can do without them.” He winked at her. “Look, Mia, I know you don’t trust me, and I bet you don’t have any reason to trust anyone at all after what you’ve gone through. I just want to be your friend. I could use a friend right about now, and I know a lot of people will turn around and say that I’ve got my entire family, and yeah, I have. I’ve even got an extended family that I didn’t fucking want.” He ran his hand down his face, and she noticed he did that a lot, especially when he was being honest. “You’re a nice woman. I can see that, and I just want someone to talk to. You’ve got a kid and the father could be dead for all you cared, and I don’t judge you for that. Just let me be your friend.”

It had been a long time since she had shed any tears, and yet her eyes filled. She tried her hardest to wipe them away, but they kept on coming. “I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

Damian took her hand, and the strength he gave her meant a great deal to her. “Can we be friends?” he asked.

“Yes, I would really like a friend right now.”

He smiled at her. “Good.”

“I don’t think friends go around buying others lingerie.”

He pushed the book back toward her. “Order

me something.” He winked at her. “I’ll wear it, I promise.”

Something in her gut told her that she was going to adore Damian.

Chapter Five

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance