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“Yeah, you know, happily married. Even though it was quite rushed, and I can see that you’re struggling, I think a honeymoon would be great. Away from school, friends, your jobs.” Lou gave him a pointed look. She was actually helping him. Holy shit.

“We should go on a honeymoon,” he said.

“We should?”

“Yeah. College is finishing out soon, right?”


“That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go on a honeymoon.”


And that was what they did. Harper stared out over the ocean from the Italian villa that the Dentons owned. They seemed to own everything. Nothing was ever too much for Abel. The apartment back in the city, the cars, the clothes he’d even tried to get her to buy. The leftover tuition fees had been paid for, not to mention their honeymoon. He’d tried to buy her a car, and she refused. Her bag-of-shit car was her own, and she remembered the day her father had given it to her. It had been a huge step for him as he’d been scared of letting her out into the world. That car was her pride and joy, no matter what anyone thought.

Her friends had been apprehensive about her leaving with a complete stranger, but Harper had done it anyway. Abel was nice. He was possessive, and liked to take charge of everything, but his heart was always in the right place.

“Hey, baby,” he said, coming up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m not thinking anything. Just enjoying the evening’s sunset. Is everything okay back home?” Abel had gone to make a call. His family had said it was an emergency. She’d waited for him to start dinner.

“It’s nothing. Just consider it a family problem.”

He always said that. Abel never talked about the family business or what he did. She found it tough to get to know him.

“I know this has been a bit unusual, but I’m trying here, Harper.”

“I know. I know. I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath. “I’m going to change that now.” She spun around in his arms, smiling. “I’ve been apprehensive about this, but you’re right. We’re in this together, and I was the one that did force you to get married to me.”

He chuckled. “You didn’t force me, babe. I was more than happy to get married. We’re going to start from the beginning.”

“No, we’re just going to be who we are. So, I’m Harper Ma—I mean Denton. Harper Denton. I’m twenty years old. I currently don’t have a clue what I want to be when I grow up, and I married a complete stranger.”

“Abel Denton, sexy stranger, married a gorgeous stranger. Thirty-three years old, I’ve got a huge dick, and I work for my father.”

“Doing what?” Harper asked.

“Anything he wants me to. I was thinking we could go shopping tomorrow. I’ll take you around some of the fashionable boutiques.”

“Let’s not. How about we walk into town, go to the market, maybe go foraging? I heard that is something we can do here.” She was never going to be comfortable around his money.

“Then foraging it will be.”

“Have you ever walked anywhere in your life? You’re always taking a car.”

“I walked you home from the restaurant. Do you realize, wife of mine, it has been three weeks since we first met?”

“Three weeks, wow.”

“It really was love at first sight.”

She didn’t say anything. Instead, she stared into his hazel eyes, and found herself drowning in his gaze. He was the most handsome man she’d ever seen, and he was so caring. “I’m going to do dinner.”

“I haven’t kissed you since you told the priest you’d be my wife.”

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “You haven’t tried to kiss me.”

“I belong to you, Harp. You can kiss me whenever you want. You’re the virgin here.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance