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Tamsin nodded her head and scooped up some potatoes.

“I’m not going into law.”

“You don’t like working for James? There are many other paths to enjoy in law,” Charlotte said.

“It’s just not for me. I don’t exactly get a thrill. There’s so much to it, and you have too much responsibility, and it’s boring. I sound so immature.”

“Not at all. Law is boring. It’s why we break it,” Landon said.

He was sitting close to Maddox, so their father clipped him around the back of the head.

“Hey, what the hell?”

“Do you want that boarding school?” Maddox asked, shutting Landon the hell up.

“What do you think of boys starting fights, Harper?” Charlotte asked. “Do you think they should constantly get away with it just because they can win?”

Holy crap, his family must have accepted her if they were talking home in front of her.

“I don’t know. My dad always dealt with their punishment. He’d usually take away their pocket money, or make them do yard work.” Her smile was so beautiful. “Once, he made them dress up as clowns, and take the entire street kids to the movies. That was funny.”

“I need to meet this man. What does he do?” Maddox asked.

“He’s a mechanic, and owns his own shop. My brothers work for him now. Works back home. I’m from a small town.” She told them a town name that Abel remembered from the information he’d gotten. Harper didn’t come from a rich family. They weren’t poor or rich, just something in between. “My mom takes care of them. She’s the one that runs the house, and has done since she got pregnant with my oldest brother.”

“Have you ever thought that maybe being a mother is what you’re looking for?” Charlotte said.

“I’m sorry?”

“I know it’s all well and good a woman going out, taking the world by storm. Having a career is great for some women. Others like to be around the home, making it a home, taking care of kids, cooking, baking, all the stuff that has absolutely no appreciation at all.”

Abel hadn’t thought about kids. Looking at his woman, he knew without a doubt that he wanted kids. He wanted her swelling with his child, something they could both claim together.

“I hadn’t thought about that.”

“You sound completely uninspired about everything else. Yet mention your mother, and you look positively animated. I know there is nowhere else I’d rather be. I love my family. I love cooking. It’s one of the reasons why I’ve never wanted a nanny, or help around the house. This is my house, my domain, and I will take care of everyone inside it.”

“Mom’s a really good mom,” Tamsin said.

“You do keep a really nice home, Mrs. Denton.”

“Charlotte, please. You’re my daughter-in-law. I won’t have it any other way.”

“So now that you’re married, what are you going to do?” Damian asked.

“What do you mean?” Harper asked.

r />

He noticed she wasn’t eating. Why wasn’t she eating?

You’re at your folks’ house.

She’s probably nervous as fuck.

“You’re married now. Will you be living with Abel, or will he be moving in with you?” Once again his brother was pressuring her, and in the couple of days he’d known her, he already knew pressuring her was a surefire way to make her run.

“Abel, will you help me get some more drinks?” Charlotte said.

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance