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Abel still held her bag, and Harper walked beside him as they made their way back to her apartment near the campus. Dinner had been wonderful. She actually liked his company, a lot. Considering he was quirky, she found herself enjoying him.

“You didn’t have to walk with me.”

“I wanted to. Besides, it’ll do me good. In case you didn’t notice, I did eat a lot.”

“A hell of a lot.”

“It’s the second best thing next to my mom’s cooking.”

“Your mom can cook?”

“She’s the best damn cook in the city.”

“Talk about a huge compliment.”

“Can you cook?”

“I like to cook. I don’t know if I’d be considered a good one.” She was the one who cooked in their apartment. Lara got bored and overcooked things. Betty only ever cooked with noodles, and ready-made meals. Her mother was one of the best cooks back home, her chili and cornbread recipe being the bomb in their town.

“Is this where you’re being modest?”

“You’ll have to find out.”

It was getting late, and with every step they took, Harper found herself sad that it was all going to be over soon. Even though he’d come across as a bit of a creep, she actually saw there was a lot more to him than that.

“If I have to find out, that must mean I’m getting a second, or even a third date.”

“Do you count seeing your parents as a date?”

“No. If we were on a date, I wouldn’t have

to worry about the family photograph albums being pulled out, and everyone getting a chance to stand and laugh.”

“I didn’t even think about that. Were you a cute kid?”

“I thought I was a cute kid. What about you?”

“I was a chunky kid. Not much has changed.”

“I guess I’ll have to check when I visit your parents.”

“You’re determined to still visit my folks?”

“Yep.” He took hold of her hand, and pulled her close. She didn’t move away, and smiled to herself, loving the closeness he was determined to create between them.

He’s a bit weird.

You’re a bit weird.

Just enjoy it.

You thought he was a creep.

A person can change her mind.

“So, college.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance