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Keeping her eyes on him, she removed her outer clothing, dropping it onto the floor next to her. His eyes roamed her beautiful curvy body, spotting the goose bumps rising across her flesh. He was amused to see that she’d worn sexy lingerie. While she said she’d come here to talk, he figured that deep in her subconscious she knew there was a good chance he’d see her naked. That wasn’t the thought of a woman who planned to walk away from him.

She simply needed to understand all this.

And he planned to help her.

Seeing her body, the body that belonged to him, he admired her perky breasts. He wanted to taste those rosy nipples calling to him. And he itched to run his tongue over every inch of creamy flesh. He was rock hard.

“There. I’m naked. What now?”

He chuckled at her nervous question, loving this about her. Kink in any sense was new to her, and he relished letting her experience just how incredible it could be when done right. He noticed the sexy flush of her cheeks as he stuffed one of the bundles of rope into his pocket. Her breath hitched as he unwound the other, letting one end fall onto the floor. “Offer me your wrists.”

“Like this?” She raised her hands.

“Yes.” He loved the shiver running through her when the rope touched her flesh, and he understood that desire perfectly.

In silence he made a cuff with the rope and then wrapped it around one slender wrist. Her harsh intake of breath made his cock twitch. He bound the other wrist, leaving her hands in front of her. Then he asked, “How do you feel with those bindings on—excited or nervous?”

She stared at the rope around her wrists. “Both.”

“Good.” Turned on himself by seeing Chloe in his rope, he grabbed the two ends hanging down from her wrists and tugged her forward against him. “Which emotion is stronger than the other?”

She lifted her head, gazing seductively at him. “I feel more excited than nervous.”

“Excellent.” He pulled again, moving her next to the coffee table. Inhaling her sweet scent, he helped her lie down on the table on her back. When he spotted her holding her breath, he whispered, “Don’t be scared, Chloe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Once she ex

haled, he took one end of the rope and knelt on one knee. Feeling his cock swell further with need, he wrapped the rope around the coffee table’s leg, pulling tight.

As he rose to move to the other side of the coffee table, she asked, “Don’t I need a safe word? Isn’t that how this goes?”

So she doubted his care of her, did she? That he didn’t like, but he also understood her concerns. While safe words were important, they didn’t belong in his relationship with Chloe right now. “No.” He knelt down and tied the other wrist to the table, pinning her down. “If you say ‘stop’ or ‘no’ or ‘I don’t like this,’ we stop.”

She turned her head, watching him work as he pulled on the knot, ensuring she couldn’t move. “I thought safe words are a must-have in the lifestyle.”

“Safe words are used to keep people safe.” He rose, glancing down at the way her breasts rose and fell with her hands positioned above her head. “Tonight nothing will happen that will warrant you needing a safe word. I’m going to bind you and then I’m going to fuck you.” A flush crept over her chest as he added, “Until we play with the type of intensity where a safe word is warranted, I don’t see why it’s necessary.” He dragged his fingers over her nipple, loving how it puckered beneath his touch. He reached into his pocket and yanked out the other rope, moving to her legs. “Like I said to you before, Chloe, if you don’t like what I’m doing, tell me. If being bound scares you, tell me and I’ll make it better for you.” He grasped her hips, igniting a loud gasp from her as he pulled her bottom to the edge of the coffee table, making the bindings on her arms nice and tight. “If any of this becomes not okay, we stop. This should be fun, not serious. I want us to play together and enjoy this.” Before he knelt down, he looked into her eyes. “All right?”

“Yes,” she breathed, squirming against the table.

Once he unwound the longer of the two ropes, he lowered to one knee and made another cuff for her thigh. Drawn into the moment himself, he placed her foot through the cuff, moving the bindings up to below her knee. Consumed by how the dark rope caressed her flesh, he bound the end to the coffee table, intending to spread her wide.

Only when he ran the rope underneath the coffee table and bound the other leg to the table did he gaze upon her face. Chloe was panting, her eyes dark with desire. One look between her thighs showed the dampness on her folds, the only invitation he needed.

He tickled his fingers up her spread thighs. “How does that feel?”

She swirled her hips against the table. “I like it.”

“Of course you do.” A woman who liked giving up control sexually liked being bound for that same reason. It turned off her head, allowing her mind to focus on sensation alone. Chloe couldn’t think about what to do or have doubts in her mind any longer, because he’d stolen that right. Yet that was only half his point to her. “You know what I would do if you restrained me like this?”

She blinked. “What?”

“I’d wait until you let me go and then I’d fuck you until you couldn’t walk in punishment for restraining me. I would show you as physically as I could—with my cock pounding into that slick sweet cunt—that I am in control when we are intimate.” He hesitated, seeing her cheeks flush deeper and those pretty lips part. “What do you want me to do now to you, Chloe?”

“Fuck me.”

He chuckled, sliding his fingers over her round stomach. “That’s right, sweetheart.” Christ, he adored her. No woman had ever looked so beautiful in his ropes. Her body was made to be bound. The black rope against creamy flesh made him rock fucking hard. And the fact that when he touched her hot slit his fingers came back soaked told him how perfect they were for each other. “That is also the reaction and answer of someone who is sexually submissive. You like it when I take control. Do I need to explain it further?”

“No. God, fuck me.” She arched her back as much as she could in the bindings. “Please.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Club Sin Erotic