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His captain’s loud order sounded like a shot in the night. But Travis only ran faster, closing in on Chloe.

“Get on the fucking ground! Now!”

Pulling on his training and everything he’d learned from his father, Sawyer exhaled the breath he’d held and focused on his target. He saw a dull flash in the moonlight, and realized to his horror that Travis had pulled out a gun. “He’s carrying,” Sawyer reported. “Permission to engage?”

There was the briefest of pauses. “Granted.”

Sawyer aimed and fired.

Blue and red lights lit up the sky as Chloe tightened the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Sitting on the bumper of the ambulance, she rubbed at her heavy eyelids, then gingerly stroked the throbbing bump on the side of her head.

“You should go to the hospital,” the paramedic told her for the fifth time.

She shook her head, instantly regretting it as the world spun. “Nah, it’s just a bump. I’m okay.”

The paramedic checked her pupils with a flashlight. “If you start throwing up or feeling sick at all, go to the hospital. Understood?”

“Will do.” She smiled wanly. She’d often wondered if she should live more on the edge, but after the events of the night, she decided a boring life suited her better.

As the paramedic stuffed his flashlight back into his pocket and stepped away from the ambulance, Chloe saw Sawyer approach, dressed in his SWAT uniform, a picture of strength. Yet his eyes were haunted.

He reached for her hand, his brows drawing together. “Okay?”

Was she?

She glanced down at her knees, attempting to control all the emotion inside her. She’d been hit in the head with a gun, knocked out, and abducted, and had witnessed a man being shot. “I think so.”

He tucked his fingers under her chin, bringing her attention to him. “You were so brave tonight, Chloe.”

“I…” Her chin trembled. Fighting back tears, she drew in a long, shuddering breath. “I’m not sure if I was brave or just didn’t have any other choice.”

“Don’t kid yourself.” He grabbed her hand from beneath the blanket and squeezed. “Some people would’ve frozen in fear. You ran to protect yourself. Give yourself credit where it’s due.”

She eyed their clasped hands, trying not to cry. “I guess.” So many things rushed through her mind that it became difficult to sort through it all.

Evidently Sawyer saw what she was experiencing, since he added, “It takes a bit to come down from the shock—that’s what you’re feeling now. Your mind will settle soon. I promise.”

She nodded. That was the only thing she could do.

The warm air breezed around her, but coldness lingered in her soul. He must have been able to tell, because his features softened and he opened his arms. “Just breathe.” She slid into his embrace, and his arms curled around her. “I’m here now.”

Minutes went by; Chloe didn’t count them. She remained enveloped in his strength and calmness, allowing herself the time to recover. Slowly the spinning of her mind slowed. Pressed against his chest, she focused on his slow heartbeat, trying to mirror it with hers.

Eventually, when her breathing had become regular, he lifted a hand to cup her face, bringing his lips to hers. Without words, he told her how worried he’d been and how joyful he was that she was safe. She sensed all his affection in the soft swipes of his mouth. And the way his lips never moved off hers left no room for fear or uncertainty.

When he pulled away slightly, she stared

into warm eyes focused on her. One question remained heavy on her mind. “Is he…” She swallowed. “Is Travis dead?”

“Not like he doesn’t deserve to be, but no.” Sawyer stroked her back. “I aimed for his shoulder to drop him to the ground. He’ll recover.”

“Damn shame.”

The low, smooth voice had Chloe glancing over Sawyer’s shoulder. One of his SWAT buddies smiled at her. He had chin-length hair and soft brown eyes. “Hi, Chloe. I’m Garrett, Sawyer’s spotter.”

She gave Sawyer a quick look, confused. He grinned at her and explained, “Garrett is my wingman, so to speak.”

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