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In fact, he’d enjoyed his time with her. A lot.

Forcing himself to put her out of his mind for the time being, he took a hard right and drove past wrought-iron gates up the circular driveway. Club Sin, with its grandeur, was a sight to behold. The redbrick Queen Anne mansion with its large windows and impeccable gardens sat well back from the road.

Sawyer wasted no time parking his truck behind the other cars and entering through the front doors. Richly designed, the mansion showed off the extent of Dmitri’s wealth. Sawyer understood why Dmitri lived for the finer things in life, but Sawyer had never wanted that life. Sitting behind a desk didn’t appeal to him, no matter how much money a man could make.

His shoes clicked against the hardwood floors as he entered through the hallway. Surrounded by stone walls, he trotted down the stairs until he encountered the wrought-iron door. Jaw tight, he wrapped his hand around the cool door handle and opened the door.

The moment he entered Club Sin, the sounds of pleasure, pain, and everything in between breezed across him like a gust of warm air. Instant guilt followed. Not the feeling he’d expected as he walked through the doors of his beloved club.

The BDSM stations remained the same, the black couches still were at the center of the dungeon, and Club Sin members were engaging in kinky sex. But he knew that he’d let the members down by not stopping by last weekend, even though with his sister in the hospital he’d had a good reason. The members counted on him. As one of their leaders, he had an obligation to them.

With a heavy feeling in his gut, he headed through the dimly lit space, spotting a very pregnant Ella on one of the black couches in the center of the dungeon, with her husband, Kyler, sitting on the armrest. His gaze slid past them to the dark-haired Aidan and the brunette, Cora, sitting on the opposite couch. Next to them on another sofa sat Dmitri along with his submissive, Presley. As far as friends went, his were a close-knit group, and a good-looking bunch. The men were fit, handsome in their own right. And the ladies were lovely, dressed in very little.

When Sawyer followed their gaze toward the stage area of Club Sin, he understood what held their attention. The submissive Amanda hung from the ceiling in suspension bondage. One leg was arched back, her foot touching her head, while the other leg had been bound at her knee. Bound and locked into pleasure, she was spread wide as the Dom Max thrust between her thighs.

Not long ago, Sawyer would’ve been that Dom suspending a woman in the air. He smiled to himself, pleased that the Dom he’d mentored, Max, had used the lessons Sawyer taught him. Amanda’s skin was red in the places Max bound her, but her circulation wasn’t cut off—which would have given her skin a blue tone—since the ropes evenly supported her.

As Sawyer approached the couches circled around the coffee table, Dmitri’s sharp blue eyes focused on Sawyer and crinkled in the corners. “Good to see you, Sawyer.” He was an imposing man, always had been. His features were strong and chiseled, giving him the air of a leader. “How is your sister?”

All eyes went to Sawyer as he took a seat beside Dmitri, while the pretty Presley, with her long dirty-blond hair, slender figure, and stunning emerald eyes, remained perched on the armrest. “I went to see her before I came here. She seems better.”


nbsp; “I’m so sorry about what happened to her,” Presley said, her long locks covering her bare breasts.

Sawyer wondered what Presley had done tonight to annoy Dmitri. It wasn’t often she was bare-breasted in the club, which indicated she was receiving a punishment. He smiled at her. “Thank you. My sister is a tough girl. She’ll get through this.”

A low grunt caught Sawyer’s attention. He turned, spotting Max bucking and jerking with his orgasm. Just another night in Club Sin, he thought happily to himself. His attention turned back to the group when Ella said, “Kyler said her injuries were terrible. Is she healing well?”

Sawyer nodded at her, pleased that his friend Kyler had found himself such a beautiful wife. Ella had old-soul, expressive eyes and soft honey-colored hair. Sawyer was thrilled for them and anticipated holding their baby in his arms. “It’ll take some time. I think the most painful thing for her now is her broken ribs.” Her heart would have been the truth, but he had no business sharing that.

While that thought weighed on him, he also knew his baby sister. She’d bounce back from this and somehow be stronger because of it. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been here.” He paused, then added for good measure, “I suppose I’ll also apologize for not being here tomorrow night, since I suspect I’ll be busy trying to find Travis.”

“Oh, stop it.” Dressed in dark green lingerie, the brunette, Cora, flicked her hand. “Your sister comes first. Everyone understands that. I think it’s sweet you came by at all.”

He smiled and bobbed his head in thanks, appreciating the compassion in Cora’s blue eyes. She was a looker, and Aidan had garnered himself a stunning wife. Yet somehow all the sympathetic expressions offered him only made him feel shittier. He felt he was letting them down by not being here. They depended on him.

Dmitri was watching Sawyer’s expression, and he said to the group, “Ladies, please excuse yourselves for a few minutes.”

Kisses were exchanged before the women left the sitting area, traveling across the room toward a scene between a young submissive and the only other single Club Sin Master, Miles. Yet Sawyer knew the only reason Miles had been single for so long was because he worked too much. As far as Sawyer had heard, Miles was looking to sell his construction business and focus more on his private life.

“What’s with the guilt?” Dmitri asked sternly.

Sawyer looked at his friends, finding all the Club Sin Masters watching him curiously. “Nothing.”

“Liar,” Aidan snorted, shoving his fingers through his jet-black hair. Tall, muscular, and stern-faced, he had the air of a Dominant. “You look like you’ve swallowed a nail.”

“Like I said, I felt bad that I haven’t been here,” Sawyer said. “I know this weekend was supposed to be my weekend.” Which meant he had been required to play with a submissive and show off his skills as a Dom, both to give the crowd a good show and to teach them.

Kyler narrowed his eyes, staring in the way he usually did when he wanted to prove a point. “Well, as the saying goes, better late than never. Put on a show now. I’m sure any of the submissives would be happy to be your sub for the night.”

Tension filled Sawyer’s chest. “I’m not…” Chloe’s smile flashed through his mind, as did the sensation of having her lush body beneath his. “No. I can’t.”

Dmitri grinned. “Ah, so that’s what it is. Porter’s little employee has stolen our Sawyer away.”

The men laughed, yet somehow Sawyer didn’t feel amused. Instead, Dmitri’s words had only increased the tension swelling inside him. “I’m not sure where things are going with her,” he said, instead of saying he thought only of her. “Chloe isn’t knowledgeable about our lifestyle yet. She wouldn’t understand that if I played with someone it wouldn’t be sexual, only a flogging or bondage.”

Kyler waggled his eyebrows. “I remember having one of those new girls myself and bringing her here. Do tell, is that in Chloe’s future?”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Club Sin Erotic