Page 6 of Cruz's Salvation

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“I understand the feeling,” Devon replied in a somber tone.

Yes, their situations were much the same. Both in love with werewolves, the difference being that Devon had his. “What am I to do?” Cruz begged.

“Ask her to leave with you. Find somewhere to hide her, get her away from her pack—that’s the simplest answer.”

Cruz shook his head. “If only life was so easy.” All the things Devon suggested were thoughts he’d run through his head a thousand times, but one thing remained a problem. “She’s the Alpha’s daughter.”

Devon’s eyebrows rose; a knowing look crossed his face. “Ahh, I see the problem.”

Of course, he would. Kiara was bound to her pack in more ways than just a normal female werewolf. If she up and went missing, her father, along with the pack of wolves he led, would hunt her down to discover her whereabouts. There was no hiding, and they’d stay on the run forever. Not a life he wanted for her. “I’ve thought of every option, any way to make this happen, but I cannot see a way out.” Cruz dropped his head into his hands in frustration.

Devon placed his hand on Cruz’s shoulder, drawing his gaze back to him. “It’s been a long time, my friend, since you’ve been so troubled over a woman.” Devon cocked his head. “In fact, I can’t remember ever seeing you so distressed.”

Cruz never had been. Yes, he had lovers, thousands over his immortal life, and even a few before as a mortal. None compared to what he felt for Kiara. “She’s…different.”

Devon smiled. “Now that’s something I can understand.” Silence filled the space for a moment while Devon studied him. Finally, he broke the stillness. “You’ve got few options here. You cannot just leave with her. So, I think if you look into yourself, you’ll find the answer you’re searching for.”

Did he know? Deep down, he recognized he did know the answer, but could he bring himself to admit what had to happen? His love for Kiara was as is. He didn’t want her to change for him. However, to keep her, only one choice remained. “Either turn her or leave her.”

Devon nodded. “If you turn her, she’d no longer hold the connection to her pack. They’d never find her.”

Cruz sighed. What would Kiara think of all this? To never see her father again, her pack—to become another supernatural creature. He wasn’t sure, and he felt nervous to ask her. What if she said no? Could his heart bare such rejection? “How do I ask her to leave everything she knows?”

“Maybe you mean more to her than anything else,” Devon countered. “Trust me, we as men know nothing of what a woman is thinking.”

Clearly, Devon spoke from his own experience, yet it didn’t resolve the torment suffocating Cruz. “I cannot remove her from her life, no matter what I may want for myself. She’s a wolf—her pack is her heart. Stealing the connection from her would steal her heart. Not something I’m willing to do.”

Devon frowned. “Then I’m afraid you must let her go. Move on from here. Come with Bethany and me. Start over.”

The thought sent pain to form in Cruz’s stomach. No, he couldn’t imagine leaving Kiara, but in the face of the reality, what was the alternative? Her happiness remained the important factor. He wouldn’t put her in the situation where’d she have to choose. Devon was right. The time to leave had come.

Just as he opened his mouth to agree with Devon, a sound—quite a distance away—caught his attention.

“You hear that?” Devon cocked his head, evidently hearing the same noise.

Cruz nodded. “Wolf.” The thumping of paws sounded loud and fast. Something else drifted through along with the indicator of a visitor. A scent. He jumped up off his couch and ran for the door. He whipped it open to step out into the night. “Kiara.”

Kiara’s paws and muscles ached from the run. She ran hard, faster than she ever had before, to get away from the fate behind her. Only Cruz stayed on her mind. She needed him to remove the panic from her. Needed him to tell her she had a way out. To find sense in the world she felt she held no control over.

As she broke through the forest and into the clearing where his cabin appeared, she saw Cruz standing alongside another vampire. She didn’t recognize the stranger with the piercing blue gaze, but didn’t much care. Cruz. She needed to get to him. Nearly at the front steps, she shifted, not minding one bit she stood stark naked. She lunged into Cruz’s arms and he embraced her tight.

“Kiara, what’s wrong?” Cruz’s voice was tight and concerned.

She lifted her head from his chest, barely able to find the strength to tell him the truth. “The worse thing ever. I’m going to be mated.”

Cruz tensed and his eyes glowed with rage.

The vampire beside him cleared his throat. Kiara glanced over to him to see his eyes were focused on her face. Clearly, he tried his best not to notice her nudeness. He gave her a small smile. “Hi, I’m Devon and you must be Kiara. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but I see you all have more pressing matters here than an introduction.” He looked to Cruz. “Contact me after this all smooth’s over, my friend. And if you need a place…” Devon trailed off as he and Cruz shared a look of understanding.

A breeze passed over Kiara’s body as the vampire left with rapid speed.

Cruz kept his arms around Kiara as he pulled her into the house, and closed the door with his foot. He took her over to the couch, placed her on the seat, and sat next to her. “You are to be mated?”

Kiara had trouble forming words; her throat was so tight with emotion. “My father has been worried for me because I’ve been sad—”

“Why have you been sad?” Cruz interrupted, an unhappy look on his face.

“Because I love you,” Kiara sobbed. “I hate being apart. It’s unfair, and the world is cruel. I hate not having you near me.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Romance