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Tonight, no matter what, this shit with the tabloid will end.

When the swooshing sound from my phone indicates my text is delivered, I glance next to me, at Ryder in the driver’s seat. “What should we expect from Draken?”

“He’s dirty.” Ryder keeps his eyes on the road, one hand resting on the top of the steering wheel. “He’ll play dirty, so we must meet him with equal force.”

I draw in a long breath and glance out the window, watching the city lights whiz by as we move into Pacific Heights. The truck climbs the steep hill, a streetcar matching our speed, and my mind circles back to McKenna. I need her in my arms and safe. Most things I can forgive after some time, and an honest apology, but putting McKenna into the hands of criminals is not something I can forgive her brother for. Not ever.

“Your destination is on the right,” the feminine GPS voice says, and Ryder slows his truck and then comes to a stop at the curb.

I take in the mansion before me, unsurprised at its extravagance. Draken seemed the type to want to show off his money, but I’m unaffected. I grew up with this sort of wealth, only old money is relatively clean money—relatively.

Determined to right so many wrongs, I say to Ryder, “You do not need to get caught up in this with me. I can go in there alone.”

“And miss out on the fun?” Ryder snorts, turning off the ignition and removing his keys. “Not a fucking chance, buddy.”

I pause, considering, but I know I can’t talk him out of this. Besides, having two of us there shows a stronger solid front, and I assume Ryder knows that. “All right,” I say, reaching for the door handle. “Let’s finish this.”

Ryder nods and follows me out of the truck, and by the time we’re climbing the steps, the front door is already opening, Tommy standing on the other side. By his smug expression, I have no doubt that he’s the one who caused McKenna’s injury. I bite back my rage. No matter what, her safety is my priority, my revenge will come later.

“Follow me,” is all Tommy says, opening the door wider.

Once inside, he leads us through the grand house and into a sitting room, where Draken waits in a leather chair, like a king being waited upon by his servants. First, I take note of the two men standing next to Draken, and Tommy, who’s moving a little closer to Ryder and me. Second, I get to the reason I’m here. “I received your text,” I tell Draken. “And I’m here. Where is McKenna?”

Draken glances at Tommy, who’s just over my shoulder, and nods.

“For now, she’s safe,” Tommy says, lifting his cellphone.

The second my eyes hit the screen, my fists clench, muscles quiver to act, showing the others what happens when they hurt what’s mine. McKenna’s locked in an obvious cell with a single hanging lightbulb, dried blood on the side of her face, the bruise by her eye now darker. She’s sitting on the dusty and dirty floor, knees up, arms wrapped around them.

Ryder takes a step closer to me, the warning clear. Calm down.

Reminded that I don’t want Marcus Draken as an enemy, I blow out the breath I’m holding. I shove my hands into my pockets, the desire to kill burning through me. Slowly, I glance at Draken and ask, “What. Do. You. Want?”


ken is poised, relaxed there in his seat with his hands on his lap, dark eyes regarding me. “I feel that we can do business together you and I, Mr. O’Keefe.”

I can’t hide the fury in my voice, and it comes out in a low growl, “You think kidnapping McKenna is a strategic business move?”

Draken’s smile is swift and equally dangerous. “You are here, are you not?”

I stiffen, done being played with.

It appears Ryder’s right there with me, since he interjects, “I’m growing tired of this exchange.” His voice is much calmer than mine. “You got our attention, and we’re here, get the point of what you want so we can conclude our business.”

Draken doesn’t look at Ryder, his gaze is right on me. “I want Evan’s debt paid.”

It’s then, in the coldness of his words, in the calculated way he’s watching me, that I realize not only is he playing me now, but he’s been playing us right from the very beginning. Because clearly, I wasn’t the only one watching the tabloids and what they were printing about me, so was Draken. I can only guess now that once he realized my connection to McKenna, his plan slowly fell into place.

But how deep this plan goes, I don’t know.

“I take it that you want me to pay Evan’s debt,” is all I say.

A cruel smile creases the corners of Draken’s mouth. “I told you I’m a businessman. Like you, I imagine you will use any advantageous situation to increase your wealth.”

“I highly doubt we use the same principles when it comes to business,” I tell him sharply, but now that I know what he wants, I stay focused there. “But I want you to leave McKenna alone. Will paying this debt make that happen?”

Draken nods, lacing his fingers together. “Receiving my money will end our transaction, yes.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic