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I lead her into the final room I planned for her to see, and once she steps inside, I lock the door behind me. She scans the square room slowly, carefully. From floor to ceiling there are mirrors on the walls. Against the far wall is a black antique cabinet, and within the space the only other thing is a black leather chaise and a chain hanging down from the ceiling.

She finally turns to me, eyes shining with curiosity. “What is this place?”

“It’s my space.”

“Oh,” she says slowly, and again surveys the room. Maybe she’s a little more curious now, knowing that this room is for my enjoyment alone. She spins around, looking at herself from every angle in the mirrors on the walls. “Is this one-way glass?”

“No,” I reply.

Her eyes meet mine again, head cocks. “Then why the mirrors?”

I pause, recognizing a shift in her. It’s a sensual curiosity that I’ve never seen in her before. More so, I note arousal in her face. And that heat in her expression hardens me to steel. “I like to watch,” I tell her bluntly.

“Oh,” she says again.

I lean against the door and fold my arms, wondering over my next steps. The timing of this discovery is less than ideal, but as a shiver runs through her under my stare, it’s a reaction I also can’t ignore. “Now that you’ve seen what happens here, do you want a taste yourself?”

Her lips part then close, then open again. “You want to have sex?”

I stay where I am, stripping the clothes off her body with my gaze. “I want to fuck you in ways I’m sure you’ve never been fucked, yes.” I swear I can feel the heat coming off her from here. “We have a chance to forget the hell we’re currently in, so let’s forget it all for a little while, and focus on us.” I hesitate now, drawing out the moment, letting the seduction swirl in the air around us. “Take off your clothes, McKenna.”

She pauses. Then, “My brother?”

“There’s nothing we can do for him now,” I gently remind her. “We’ve got Ryder testing the blood in the room, and Alex is going to find us the poker game. We’re at a standstill.” I reach for my phone in my pocket and hold it up. “If Ryder calls, we’ll stop and I’ll answer, no matter what we’re doing. All right?”

“Okay,” she whispers.

I see the burn in her eyes, the tremble in her body when I approach her. “I want you to stop thinking, McKenna. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she rasps.

“I want you to give me control of your mind. Can you do that?”

She nods, biting her lip.

I move in front of her and grab her chin, kissing her mouth with the heat I know she needs to warm her up. I thrust my tongue across hers, dragging her mind away from thoughts and onto sensations alone.

By the time I stop, she’s pressing herself tightly against me, breathless. “Now do as I asked and take off your clothes. Wait in the center of the room for me.”

I note the flare of sinful lust in her gaze before I turn away, hearing her begin to undress. I move to the antique cabinet and open the doors. There’s a plethora of toys at my disposal. All brand new. Whatever I use when I’m here is replaced by staff after I leave. I scan the toys before me in the cabinet, which are all the latest and greatest sex toys on the market, and I’m reminded how long it’s been since I’ve been in this room. That’s because my attention has been with the woman behind me. I haven’t needed anyone but her.

Decided on a plan for tonight, I reach into the cabinet and take out a towel, the two spreader bars with black cuffs attached, a small leather flogger, as well as a condom that I place in my back pocket. When I turn, facing her again, I find her gaze is solely focused on me, her chest rising and falling quickly. She’s wearing only her black lacy lingerie, and I smile, showing her how much I like what I see. I let the silence continue, drawing out the anticipation of what’s to come.

Once I reach her, I lay down the towel and then place all the items out before picking up one of the spreader bars and hooking it onto the chain that’s hanging down in front of her. With the visual in place, I turn to her. “I need to know what you’re thinking, and that what you see I’ve taken out for you tonight is agreeable to you.”

She scans the bar hanging from the ceiling then looks to the items on the towel before meeting my eyes again. “I’m agreeable.”

“We can’t have any misunderstandings. I need a ‘yes’ to continue,” I tell her.

She smiles. “Yes, sir.”

“Even better,” I say with a chuckle, and then I move to her, cupping her chin. “At any time you become nervous or unsure, say ‘yellow’ and I’ll stop and check in. If you outright hate what I’m doing say ‘red’ and that ends that type of play. Understand?”

She nods.

“Say the word,” I tell her.

“Yes, I understand.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic