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“So,” says Trevor, garnering my attention while he moves to the first filing cabinet. “Evan Archer.” He opens the top drawer and then takes out a file, reading the pages within. “Yes, he’s been a member for just shy of a year.”

I move to the open leather chairs in front of Trevor’s desk and gesture at McKenna. Once she takes her seat, I drop down into the other, keeping my attention on Trevor. “Any idea who he came in here with?”

McKenna turns to me, eyes confused. “Came in here with?”

“A person can’t simply come in here off the street and get membership,” I explain. “It’s a vetting process, and almost every person knows a member first, which is how they get in. It keeps the club safe.”

“Gotcha.” She nods.

“It looks like Sally Green was his connection,” Trevor says, placing the file back in the cabinet and then smiling at me. “Tonight is your lucky night.”

“Why is that?” I ask.

“Because she’s here.”


I can only recall once that I’ve been rendered speechless, and that one time was when Gran talked to me about sex. Now I can say it’s happened to me twice, because that’s the state I’m in when a drop-dead gorgeous brunette with legs that go on forever enters Trevor’s office. It’s not her beauty that stuns me though, it’s the fact that she’s wearing nothing but a pair of black heels and black lace panties.

“I better be seeing this wrong,” Gabe states, fury in his eyes.

Trevor’s on his feet, the swivel chair crashing into the wall behind him. “Jesus Christ, Sally,” he roars.

“Oh, no.” Her bright blue eyes widen as she takes us in.

“What in the hell were you thinking? You know that the lower floor of the club requires a state of dress.” Trevor scolds, moving to the chaise and grabbing a blanket off the top. He drapes it over her shoulders, covering her up, and shoots Gabe an apologetic look. “Please forgive her. I can assure you this is not a regular occurrence.”

Gabe’s glare seems permanently stuck on his face, and I begin to see that it’s more for making me uncomfortable than anything else. “It’s okay,” I tell Sally with a smile, trying to save her from Gabe’s wrath. “Honestly,” I add when no one moves, the tension in the room so thick a sword couldn’t even cut it. “It’s fine. Please come in and take a seat.”

Sally gives me a cute smile that looks far too innocent considering her nakedness then sets her attention onto Trevor. “I’m so sorry, sir. I thought you were calling me in here for . . .” Her gaze falls to the chaise.

Gabe snorts, draping a hand across the back of my chair, sliding his fingers over my nape. “I never should have bought you that.”

Trevor chuckles, and the tension slowly evaporates from the room. He returns to his seat and gestures to that gift he obviously puts to good use. “Go on, Sally, take a seat. Gabe and McKenna have some questions, if you don’t mind sparing a few minutes of your time.”

“Questions?” Sally slowly takes a seat, eyes on Trevor. “Is everything all right?”

Gabe interjects before he can answer her. “You proposed Evan Archer for membership to the club, yes?”

“I did.” She looks from Gabe to Trevor to me, expression becoming more and more alarmed. “Was that not all right? Am I in some sort of trouble? Oh, God, and then I came in here like that—”

“You’re not in any trouble,” I assure her, only imagining how unsettling this must all be. Both Gabe and Trevor are guys you don’t really want to mess with, and I’m a stranger to her.

Gabe stays perfectly silent next to me.

Trevor, however, grins darkly. “Well, she’s not in trouble with you, no.”

I can’t help but notice the way Sally shivers, and her faces flushes with cl

ear desire. Trying to stay focused in this place is no easy task I surmise, but I do my best, saying to Sally, “We really need to talk to Evan. Do you know where he is?”

“Why?” she asks, glancing from Trevor to me. “Is Evan in some kind of trouble?”

I’m no expert on how to handle any of this so I look at Gabe and find his eyes are fixated on Sally, looking for any hint of deceit, I’m sure.

“How do you know Evan?” he asks.

Sally shifts on the chaise, pulling the blanket farther over her crossed legs, obviously to pretend she’s not half-naked while we’re all clothed. “We dated for about a month a year or so ago and have been close friends ever since.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic