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Dad laughs softly, then flinches, obviously in pain. “Ow, laughing is a bad idea.” When the color returns to his face, he continues. “Wel

l, that’s more of a reaction than I was expecting, considering all you’ve been through. I would think you would be happy to see me getting out of politics?”

“I am happy for you.” I glance at the paper again and see that the letter comes from the president himself; it is a formal letter stating the president is going to nominate my father for a vacancy in the Supreme Court. “I’m just really surprised,” I say, finally addressing him again. “I didn’t know you were thinking of leaving the Senate.”

“I haven’t said anything to you or anyone else because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. The process has been very discreet so far.” I place the papers back on the bedside table, and he continues, “I met with the president on my last visit to Washington, which was when he told me of his wishes.”

“I take it after all this, you’ve decided to give it a go?”

He nods. “For all involved, I do think it’s best to get out of the political game. As long as the Senate agrees with the president, and he believes they will, then this will happen.” He pauses, clearly choosing his words carefully. “After all this, I’m just not sure I have it in me to go back. It leaves…”

“A bad taste in your mouth?” I offer.

“A very bad taste,” he replies, and gives a long sigh. “I had hoped for a sign of what direction to take. I just wasn’t expecting this much of a sign. But I do feel that this is the right decision for me and for your mother.”

My mind begins racing a mile a minute. There’s a lot to think about. My job, for one. Yes, I could easily work for another senator, or maybe go with my dad and be his assistant in his new office. But the biggest thought in my mind squashes all the rest of my questions. “Your security will be transferred to the Secret Service, will it not?”

Of course Dad reads between the lines. “You’re wondering about my relationship with Ryder?”

I nod.

He adds, “We’ve severed our professional relationship, since I no longer need to use his company for security.”

I process what I’ve heard, and even after I’m done processing it, I still don’t understand. If the duty to my father is gone, why hasn’t Ryder come to tell me that himself? Wasn’t that what stood in our way?

“Oh…” I swallow the emotion in my throat. “You two have had a good long run together. I’m sure having a new security detail will take some getting used to.”

My father’s eyebrows rise. “That’s all you have to say about us not working together anymore?”

I shrug, rising to my feet. “I would love to sit here and chat about this…”

“No, you wouldn’t,” my father interjects.

“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” I grin. “So, I’m going to go get the juiciest burger I can find and go home and maybe drink an entire bottle of wine.”

“That’s not wise,” he states. “Drinking after something traumatic is a terrible idea, Hadley.”

I lean down and kiss him on the cheek. “I’ll come visit tomorrow. Promise. Love you.”

He’s calling to me, but I’m already out the door.

Chapter 20


After a short phone call with the manager of Impulse, my sex club, and a quick meal with Alex at the local Burger King where I grabbed a bite to give me the fuel I needed, I enter the county jail in the South of Market neighborhood. Now, as I stride forward through the main foyer of the jail, I’m armed with an arsenal of information and energy to do what I need to do next.

The only reason I’m doing this now is because I know the moment the FBI comes into town to interview Harrington, I will not get access to him.

Once I reach the main reception area, I find a young man behind the desk on the telephone. When he hangs up, I say, “Ryder Blackwood here to see Tobias Harrington.” I refuse to call him the governor anymore. He lost that right. “I’ve been authorized by Senator Winters for a private sit-down with Mr. Harrington to obtain information on the senator’s behalf.” I hand the correctional officer the signed document giving me authority to talk with Tobias and also my identification.

Much had been discussed with the senator earlier. When I left his hospital room, I felt more free than I’d felt in a long time. Soon, the senator’s life would be placed in the hands of someone else. No longer was his life in my hands. Now I could do what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Work intel with Alex and not be on the front lines. The senator and I shook on many great years together and on what would become a very different future for us.

“All right, Mr. Blackwood, this all looks good,” the correctional officer says, breaking into my thoughts and handing the paper and ID back to me. He picks up the phone. “Please bring prisoner 03673-008, Tobias Harrington, to interview room B.” After he returns the phone to the receiver, he hits a button under his desk, buzzing the door open. “It’s the first room on your left.”

“Thank you.” I move around the main desk and open the heavy door, entering the hallway. Immediately, I’m struck by the smell that never leaves this place, somewhere between a hospital and a garbage dump, and my nose crinkles against its pungent aroma.

The heavy door slams behind me and the locks slide back into place right before another buzz opens the door to my left. Once I enter the room, which is sparse with a two-way mirror, pale blue–painted cement walls, and a metal table with two plastic chairs on either side, I move to the back wall, leaning against it, arms crossed.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic