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I want him to be mine.

His low groan tightens my nipples and I feel the quiver deep within begin to flutter, as my rhythm speeds up even faster, breath growing heavier. I drag my nails across his chest and begin rising up and down, skin smacking against skin, my wet warmth to his hardness, the perfect combination to take me over the edge.

But…just as my body begins to tremble, my moans getting closer and closer together, I stop.

He grasps my hips and growls, “Take what you need.”

Breathless and trembling with my refused orgasm, I lean down, my soft breasts to his hard chest. “Do you know what I thought about whenever I got to this moment?”

I’m not sure what he hears in my voice or sees in my expression, but soon, I find myself beneath him, instead of on top of him. One arm is around my shoulders, holding me to him, while the other is pushing my thigh back against the mattress, and he’s savagely driving himself into me. His heavy weight rests against me but it’s invitingly warm and safe, and I want to stay there forever.

His head is buried in my neck and I dig my fingernails into his back as he rips the orgasm right out of my body. His hard cock, thick body, woodsy scent…all drive me to that place where reality fades away, and we become something more. My mind no longer belongs to me as wave after wave of pleasure crashes into me. I vaguely feel him bucking and jerking and grunting atop me, but I’m lost…lost to him.

It’s only when I feel the cool void of his body leaving mine that any sort of coherent thinking returns.

He flops onto his back, breathless. “Did I get your thought right?”

I roll onto my side, snuggling into him, and as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me in close, I reply, “You made Dream You look inadequate.”

He chuckles and slaps my ass. “Good.”

Chapter 9


Early Sunday morning, a knock on the door takes me away from the steaming hot cup of coffee awaiting me on the counter. With Hadley in the bathroom getting ready for the day, I move to the door, and when I open it, I wish I hadn’t.

Senator Winters’s eyebrows wing up, two paper coffee cups in his hands. “Well then, I suppose everything makes sense now.” He steps into the condo and hands me the coffee cups before pulling out a piece of printer paper from the inside of his jacket pocket.

I set the coffees down on the table by the doorway then take the paper from him. Instantly, I regret that move, too. I don’t doubt the article is from the tabloid Gotcha! The photograph is of Hadley and me, clearly in an intimate moment from last night, with her in only a blanket and me in only my pants on her patio. My lips are pressed to her shoulder, and a clear look of pleasure is on her face. That’s about the only thing I don’t regret. “Where did you get this article?” I ask her father.

He doesn’t look particularly annoyed with me. I take that to be a good sign.

The senator picks up the coffees again and moves past me, entering the living room. “Hadley’s mother saw it on the Internet this morning and sent it to me. Sadly, she’s a fan of those grocery store tabloids.”

I frown at the article. Someone is still following Hadley. Logic tells me that the person behind this has a motion sensor camera set up to take photographs whenever there’s movement in her condo. I’m only too glad now that when we had sex last night, a wall had been blocking the view from the window. Determined to get ahead of this, I shut the door and enter the living room, fully believing this article enforces my idea that there has to be more going on here than a grocery store tabloid hunting down a story.

The senator places one of the coffees down on the end table, then lifts the other to his lips and smiles at me over the rim. “I take it this is a new development since the last time we talked?”

That smile is part friendly, part protective father. “It is” is the only reply that I’m prepared to give him. Father or not, discussing Hadley’s love life is for her to decide, not me.

“Is that so…” is the senator’s careful reply. He takes a seat on the couch, and truth be told, I can’t quite get a read if he’s pissed about my staying here last night with her or not. He finally asks, “Will your relationship pose any problems for us?”

Before I can answer, Hadley calls out from the hallway, “I was thinking maybe we could grab some lunch—” She enters the room and glances from her father to me and then back again, and nervous laughter spills from her lips. “Oh, hi, Dad.” She moves to him and kisses him on the cheek. “I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning.”

When she looks at me, I see the apology in her eyes, but it’s unnecessary.

Her father reaches for her coffee cup and hands it to her. “The visit was somewhat unexpected.”

Her eyes begin to flick between her father and me, as she opens the cup and takes a sip. To stall for time, that much is clear to me.

I fight my smile and move to her, handing her the paper. “Your father brought this by. I guess your mother saw it on the Internet this morning.”

She takes the paper and nearly spits her coffee out, coughing wildly.

I take the cup from her before she burns herself and place it on the coffee table. “Probably best to leave this here for a bit,” I suggest.

The senator laughs.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic