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My thoughts aren’t on the tabloids. My head is throbbing and my body feels tight with coiled tension. I need to get outside and breathe in the fresh air, and my job is finished here. “Sorry, I have a meeting.” I lurch to my feet. “I must go.”

I see the confusion on every face here at my brash move. This isn’t part of the plan, but I can’t do this anymore. I also don’t care. Everything is closing in on me, and I need to go. I’m up and out the door as quickly as I entered the pub.

The second I open the Jag’s door, a firm hand grips my shoulder. “Darius,” Ryder says. “All right?”

I blow out a deep breath, composing myself. “Yes, I’m fine. What do you need?”

“I’ve got an update for you.”

I release the door handle, reminded I had asked for his help. “Right.” I turn and face him. “What have you got?”

Ryder’s studying me intently, getting a read on me, I’m sure. “We couldn’t find much on the case of abuse against your mother. Your father did press charges, but the arresting officer and the therapist wrote in their notes that they didn’t see any signs of abuse. Which leads me to believe the charges were without merit, and we’re dealing with corrupt cops. But I did find out something interesting.”

My heart is thumping, hard and rapid. “What?”

“Three years ago, the lawyer who represented your father in the divorce was disbarred and sent to jail for fraud, taking bribes, and hiding evidence.”

A sick feeling weighs in my stomach. “So, then, it’s quite likely that what Allison is telling me is true?”

Ryder nods. “From the records I could find, your mother filed bankruptcy in the same year you said she left you.”

Which had been the reason I had shut out the world yesterday. I’d spent most of the day on the phone with Ryder and Alex, telling them everything and anything my father told me growing up. But I just didn’t want to tell Taylor that. I didn’t want her to worry. “I take it that could mean that she fought as hard as she could against the charges and to get custody, but my father railroaded her?”

He nods and sighs. “It looks like that, yes. I would imagine that if your father had the means to pay this lawyer, he would have used that to his full advantage to corner your mother in a battle she could never win.” He pauses as a couple passes us on the street before addressing me again. “And believe me, where there is a corrupt lawyer and cops, there is usually a corrupt judge, too.”

That thought burns red-hot anger into my veins, making me clench my fists. “Where is this judge now?”

“Dead, last year.”

“And the cops?”

“One is in jail for covering up his son’s DUI. The other one passed away five years ago.”

Meaning I can’t go after them in the ways I want to, either having them charged or crippling them financially. I offer my hand to Ryder. “I appreciate you looking into this for me.”

He shakes my hand and places his other on my shoulder, squeezing it tight. “I don’t know what demons you’re fighting, Darius, but I hope this information buries them.”

With that echoing in my mind, I get into the car and shut the door.

“To Bennett, sir?” my driver asks.

“Yes.” I lean my head back against the headrest and shut my eyes, driving toward a very uncertain future.


My belly is stuffed full from Mom’s famous meatloaf, when I return to the kitchen table after refilling my glass of milk. I sit down next to Allie, who’s been my sidekick through the tough conversation over the last hour. “So, that’s really all there is to tell you about Shawn.” All throughout dinner I told my parents every single detail of Shawn’s past sexual abuse by a hockey coach and his alcoholism and the reasons behind his violence. “His life hasn’t been particularly easy, and because of that, I’ve decided to give him one more chance to prove he wants to get help before pressing charges.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell us this about his past?” Mom asks, sitting across from me.

“Because it’s not my story to tell.” I take a quick look at my dad and find his expression thoughtful while he’s sipping his beer before I focus on Mom again. “It’s Shawn’s story, and it’s a really terrible one.”

Dad lowers his beer bottle and finally addresses me. “You know we trust you and your choices, honey, but I need to know that you are thinking clearly about this. He could be

a danger to another woman, and it would be irresponsible of you to know this and not ensure he doesn’t hurt anyone else.”

“Yes, I agree completely,” I say, acknowledging his worry with a soft nod. “But Darius can use his connections to ensure that Shawn follows through on this promise. If he doesn’t, I’ll return to San Diego and press charges.” I pause, collecting my thoughts, scooting my chair a little farther under the table. “Shawn isn’t a bad guy. He makes really bad choices. I can’t feel good about me without giving him a chance to make his life better.”

I see Mom’s eyes soften. She’s the one who taught me to always give people a second chance. But as I look at Dad’s eyes, I also note the tightness in his. He never shared Mom’s view. One chance, that’s all you got. Unless you were me, my chances would never run out.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic