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Later that night, and after enduring the screaming match with Alex outside of Bennett, Inc., I’m itching for home and a large glass of scotch when I reach Taylor’s front door. She’s been on my mind and I need to see her. I raise my hand to knock, when I hear a loud masculine voice shouting on the other side. Without even thinking about it, I’m wrapping my hand around the handle and charging inside.

In an instant, I realize I’ve acted too quickly, as I’m not facing down Shawn Mason. I’m nearly nose-to-nose with Taylor’s father, Jason Erickson. “Forgive me,” I say quickly, stepping back, watching her father lower his fist, clearly ready to knock me out.

The redness in her father’s face begins to fade, and I note that he’s aged some since I’ve seen him last. Still the strong man I remember, only slightly more wrinkled and softer around the middle.

Silence cuts through the already very thick air before Allie shoots up from the couch, moves to me quickly. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she mouths, then rushes by me, shutting the front door.

I hide my long exhale, relishing the slowing of my heart rate, and observe Taylor. She’s sitting on the couch, hugging her legs, her face ashen. Next to her sits her mother, Pam. She was a sweet woman when I knew her, and her eyes are still gentle. And by the window stands a very annoyed-looking Micah. As I face Jason again, however, his hard eyes are pinning me where I stand. A look that’s well deserved. I hurt his daughter deeply. I don’t ever expect to be forgiven for that.

“I apologize for the brisk entrance,” I say, feeling the need to somehow soothe tension in the room. “I heard loud voices.”

“Oh, did you think my daughter was in danger?” Jason now directs that loud voice to me. When I don’t dignify that question with an answer, his eyes narrow to slits. “Did you know about this, Darius?” He points to the copy of Gotcha! on the coffee table.

I shove my hands in my pockets. “Yes, I knew.”

Jason’s face reddens again, his voice turns cold. “And you did nothing to stop it?”

His words stab me like a knife to my gut, slamming me into the past in a single breath.

“What’re your intentions with my daughter?”

I choke on my beer, coughing until my windpipe clears. “Sorry,” I say to Jason, shifting against my seat on the front patio of their family home. “That question was unexpected.”

His brows raise. “Do you plan on answering it?”

“I care deeply for your daughter, sir,” I tell him, knowing that’s likely not enough to appease her father. “I realize there’s a significant age difference between us, and that you’re less than thrilled about that, but I’ll give you my word that I’ll always do what’s best for her.”

Jason’s stare pins me to my seat. “What if what is best for her is not being with you?”

“Even then,” I confirm.

Jason finally turns his head, focusing on the quiet street and sipping his beer. “You promise to keep her safe?”

“You have my word.”

I blink out of the memory and inhale deeply, controlling the emotion tightening my throat. I made him a promise. I broke it. I’ve hurt Taylor so many times, too many times. And I’ve let someone else hurt her, too.

I can’t even look at Taylor now, feeling her eyes on me. There’re just so many things I would change if I could. So many fucking things. “No, I didn’t stop it before,” I tell him, calm and collected. “But I am doing something about it now.”

“What’s that?” Jason snaps, folding his arms.

“I’m having Shawn Mason followed,” I report.

Taylor gasps, “You’re what?”

“Yes,” her father interjects sternly. “Please explain what exactly that means.”

I sigh at the glare on Taylor’s face; my admission is a double-edged sword. “Shawn came into town on Friday.” I note the fear registering across Pam’s face, and the anger in Jason’s expression, so I add, “When I learned of this, I hired security detail to keep eyes on him.”

Jason practically growls, “He’s here for her?”

“Calm down, Jay,” Pam says calmly. “It sounds like Darius has this under control.” Always the levelheaded one, she grabs Taylor’s hand and says to her, “Honey, you should have told us about this, then we could have helped you.” To me, she adds, “These people you’ve hired won’t let Shawn get anywhere near her, right?”

I avoid looking at Taylor, feeling her glare burning into my skull. “He won’t get within a foot of her without my knowing and dealing with it.”

“Good, that’s good.” Pam pats Taylor’s hand and smiles at me. “Thank you for arranging security for her, Darius.”

I can’t accept her gratitude. I gave my word I would always protect Taylor. This all lands on my shoulders. The sense of betrayal burns wickedly in my body, leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic