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“Of course not,” I reply, leaning against the windowsill. “But fuck if she’ll go into foster care. What if the tabloids get ahold of that; either way nothing good can come of it.”

“Then find someplace else for her to live.” My father straightens in his seat, his knuckles white against the armrest.

“I’ll let you know what I decide.”

“You don’t need to decide. I can go.”

I turn toward the soft voice coming from the doorway, noticing that Allie has been standing there all along, overhearing our conversation. I can tell by the way she’s shaking, the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, she heard the whole thing.

Looking into her innocent eyes I realize I’m drawn to this girl. Is it knowing that she’s blood, family? I don’t know, but somehow when she looks at me, I realize I can’t turn her away. “No, don’t move.” I turn to my father, seeing the anger burn across his face. “She’s staying with me.”

My father jumps to his feet, spittle spewing as he yells at me. “I won’t have it, Darius.” His voice booms in anger within my large office, fists clenching at his sides. “I don’t want this disgusting girl in my house or my life.”

I see her flinch and bow her head—afraid and unsure why she deserves this censure and rejection.

My father is an imposing man, especially if you’re a fifteen-year-old girl. But now I see all I need to and understand why my father hates her. The way his voice goes cold makes me realize why he refuses to acknowledge Allison. She reminds him of the woman who left him. She looks identical to our mother in the photos I’ve seen. I’m not sure if that’s what stirs my protective edge, or if it’s the fear in her eyes. But I know I’m all she has, and I will take care of her. “That’s the last time I’ll allow you to talk to Allison in that way.” I point toward the doorway. “Get out.”

“You can’t ever go back,” my father sneers at me as he walks toward the door. “If I leave now, you are picking her over me. I won’t forget that.”

“I hope you don’t.” I’m shaking now, equally angry and proud that I’m doing the right thing.

My father turns and practically lunges at Allie. “Your fucking mother ruined his childhood, and now you’ve ruined his future.”

I see the way Allie recoils from his childish and hateful words, and I’m nearly ready to attack my father as he exits my office. But now I question why I did what I just did. I’m in shock, too. What the hell do I know about raising a fifteen-year-old girl, I’m only twenty-five myself. I move to the door and shut it, inhaling to control the emotion raging within me.

My life has been planned since childhood. I’d always known I’d attend boarding school and rarely see my father. I’d always known I’d be expected to go into business. I’d always known I’d go to Harvard. And I’d always known I’d work for my father.

This? A younger sister I just committed to taking care of? I have no idea what to do.

I hear Allie’s soft cry behind me. I turn around and stare at a very uncertain future as I look upon this sweet girl standing just inside my office.

“Why did you want to do this for me?” she whispers, tears streaming down her face.

“Because you needed me to.”

I snap back to the present as my father shuts the door behind him and steps farther into my office, finally taking the seat where Greg had just been. I don’t even recognize this man in front of me. The past years have been hard on him. Harsh lines surround his black eyes and mouth. He’s thinner than I remember him being, maybe even a little frailer.

He crosses one ankle over his knee, watching me carefully before he scans my office with pride. “You’ve done well for yourself, son.”

With no help from you sits on my tongue. Instead I ask, “What do you want?”

Arrogance appears in his eyes, and I know he believes he had some hand in my success. But I disagree with him. He always seemed like more of a business partner than a father, even when I was growing up. Teachers at my boarding school were the ones who raised me, and the only time I saw my father was when I was summoned or when he was obligated to visit the school.

“Recently,” he explains, “I was contacted by Hoyes Financial. They’re looking to expand their private bank across North America, but they need investors. I thought you might be interested.”

I can’t move, sitting statue-still in my seat, afraid if I do, I might lunge at the man sitting across from me. Even ten years later, my father has not changed. “What makes you believe that I would be interested in this venture with you?”

He smiles, glancing around my office. “Because seeing this place makes me well aware that you’re a product of your father.”

I remember that smile. It’s a cold thing to behold. “Meaning?”

“You’ll invest because it’s a slam-dunk business decision.” My father hands me a file folder. “And once you review that file, you’ll see that I’m right.”

I open the file, seeing too many documents to read now to make a decision. “You’ve never come to me wanting to do business before.” I tap my fingers against the folder, arching my brow. “What makes this deal so enticing that you’re coming to me now?”

My father’s hard stare hardens further. “The investment is three-quarters of a million dollars. I cannot invest that on my own.”

“Ah, I see, that’s why you’re here,” I state with a snort, leaning back in my chair, stretching out my legs beneath my desk. “You don’t have enough money, so you’re looking to me to help you.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic