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I was mentioned in a month ago, with the tagline that reads: But could this fairy tale end is disaster? Our sources tell us that the real estate mogul has got himself a forbidden treasure. Both Micah and Darius are staring deeply at the articles, and I’m sure they are starting to realize the shit-storm we’re in.

Darius finally breaks the silence. “Maybe we’re looking into this too deeply.”

“It’s right there in front of us.” Micah snorts, leaning back on the couch, placing a hand on my thigh. “I don’t think it’s possible to look too deeply into it.”

“I have to agree,” I say with a long sigh, pulling my legs up beneath me, leaning into Micah. “There’s something really off about the articles they’re writing. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that this is what they’re focusing on.”

Both men look at me, but it’s Micah who asks, “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” I continue, waving at the magazine clippings, “why would they even assume that Darius is pissed about us being together?”

“Because I was.” Darius grins.

“Yes, I know,” I say to my hotheaded brother and then add, “but like I told you before, don’t you both think it’s strange they’re focusing on you, instead of me and Micah?”

Micah arches a brow. “You would rather they dig up dirt on you?”

“No, of course not, but isn’t that what tabloids do?”

Darius narrows his eyes, pondering, then nods. “You’re right. It is odd they aren’t focusing more on you, and I also don’t like the fact that they’re printing true facts, instead of lies.”

Because that means someone is telling them these truths. “Which can only mean…”

My doorbell suddenly rings, and I startle, nearly spilling my wine.

Micah chuckles, taking the glass from me and putting it on the coffee table. “Expecting anyone?”

“Not that I know of,” I reply, moving quickly toward the door.

When I whisk it open, seeing a face that normally would make me so happy, my mind goes instantly blank. I’m speechless, not able to even begin to process the view in front of me.

Taylor is standing on the other side of door, and obviously she’s been either walking in the rain or standing outside for a while, because water is dripping off her nose. She gives a small smile. “Is that room still available?”

I blink, but it doesn’t fix what I’m seeing. Black-and-blue bruises cover the side of Taylor’s face. “What happened to you?” I whisper.

Tears well in her eyes. “I left him.”

My mind snaps into focus and I lurch forward, wrapping my arms around her. She’s shaking against me and sickness is rolling through me. I should have seen this. I should have known. I should have gone to her and helped her. But her hug tells me she doesn’t need should-haves from me.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been holding her when Micah’s soft voice fills the air. “Allie.”

I turn, holding Taylor, but allowing Micah to see her. They’d met each other over FaceTime. He always made sure to say hello to her if we were talking. But Taylor had not looked like this.

Micah’s gaze sweeps over Taylor’s face, eyes blaze red-hot before he controls his emotions and says gently, “Who did this to you?”

“I’d say someone who loved me.” Taylor wipes her tears, cringing at the obvious pain near her bruised eye. “But I think it’s very clear he has a warped version of love.”

Micah’s pulsating protective energy is nothing compared to the state of my brother. He steps in next to Micah, neck corded, nostrils flaring. “The man who did this to you…” His eyes are only for Taylor. Totally fixated on her. “He’s a dead man.”

Not a statement.

A promise.

For Michelle, thanks for being my Liv!


A million thank-yous to Sue Grimshaw and Jessica Alvarez for all their unwavering support.

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic