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“Sounds promising.” I follow her as she approaches the doorway.

Once there, she turns to face me and laughs softly. “I imagine it will be.” She places her hand gently on my arm. “Don’t forget to be yourself on this new adventure.”

I lean in and kiss her cheek. “Goodbye, Juliet.” I avoid discussing whatever she thinks we should talk about. I’m only myself with Juliet, and she knows this.

“Goodbye, Micah,” she says with a sweet smile.

I watch her walk down the hallway toward the reception desk, noticing the sway in her hips. Juliet’s devoted to me. She’s there when I need her. But perhaps she’s been too loyal to me, and maybe she’s excited for the chance to return to the dungeons of Lace.

Not me.

The darkness within is calm, quietly resting.

Chapter 3


I hurry by a sidewalk café in the heart of the Financial District, stomach rumbling, and regret not having time to grab a coffee for Liv and me this morning. Traffic got in my way and getting to Holt’s parking lot took longer than expected. Caffeine is my only recourse for my loss of sleep, and my tossing and turning last night. A certain hunk in a suit made several appearances in my dreams. But a quick hot shower washed the remnants of “erotic dream” Micah away. Now here I am heading down Montgomery Street, briefcase in hand, skyscrapers on either side.

The hustle and bustle of people is not unusual for this time of day and I’m happy to reach the high-rise on the corner and get out of this rat race. The building is really breathtaking, towering over the city, the dark glass sheathing it adorned with huge silver letters, spelling Holt Enterprises. To the average passerby the building gives the impression that this is a profitable and imposing company.

It’s a lot for even me to comprehend, as is the fact that I work for Micah.

You’ve got this, I tell myself, pushing my shoulders back, entering the lobby with a fast-paced stride. Glass encases the open foyer all the way to the ceiling and the balconies on each floor. Leather couches and glass tables are occupied with chatting people enjoying their coffee. I inhale deeply through my nose, exhaling through my mouth, moving toward the security guard to introduce myself.

Before I can reach him, Anderson intercepts me.

“Good morning,” he says with a wide grin.

His navy blue suit is as stylish as yesterday’s, and I smile, glad that I chose a black pencil skirt and vintage-style off-white blouse to wear. “Mornin’.”

“Before I take you up, we need to get you all signed in,” Anderson says, turning to the security guard sitting behind the large black desk, five computer monitors in front of him. “Allie is a new employee at Holt.”

“Ah, yes, I have everything for you here. One moment…” The guard types on his keyboard before handing me an envelope with my name written on the front. “Carry your identification with you at all times. It’s an annoying process if you forget it.”

“Will do,” I reply, thinking Micah must be a control freak. Holt sells real estate, doesen’t deal with government secret projects. The security seems a bit over the top.

Keeping the thought to myself, I follow Anderson through the large foyer and take in the sheer luxury of the offices. Black glass on the exterior walls, dark marble floors beneath my feet, a staircase running up the middle of the lobby with six glass elevators moving from floor to floor, all full of people.

The building reminds me of Micah himself: sleek and sexy.

A slight heaviness weighs in my belly and I grip my briefcase a little tighter, staying behind Anderson as he enters one of the glass elevators and waves me inside.

“Liv arrived about twenty minutes ago,” he tells me, as the doors shut.

I press myself against the glass at my back, feeling like a sardine stuffed in a can. “I’m not surprised. She’s punctual.”

He smiles genuinely. “How long have you worked together?”

“Five years.” I restrain my gasp as the elevator shoots up and glance behind me, noticing the people in the foyer are now just a blur. Heights are right up there with my least favorite things in life, so I look straight ahead, staring at the back of the head of the guy in front of me.

We pass floor by floor, stopping at each as people enter or leave the elevator. Everyone is dressed in the latest fashions, looking very professional. My mouth goes dry as realization hits me hard. This place and the people seem a lot like the life I experienced with my half-brother. Pushing my distaste aside, I remind myself that I worked hard for this promotion, making me feel a little better about my decision and the surroundings. Besides, Liv deserves a promotion too, and that makes this all worth it.

I follow Anderson out of the elevator, onto the sixtieth floor. The fact that there are sixty-one floors noted on the elevator panel tells me that Micah and his group of yes-men are likely located on the top floor. The thought of him flutters through my mind, as does the heat in my veins. I can’t shake the haunting darkness I saw in his eyes; the darkness that makes me curious about him; the darkness that ignites my body; the darkness that screams of immense power and sensuality.

God, I’m in so much trouble with that guy.

We’re only separated by one floor, and I can’t deny the anticipation coursing through me at the thought of seeing him again, no matter that my mind is also chec

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic