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But I don’t need to decide about Allie, only about Richardson. Because I already have a plan for Allie, and after I kick Levi’s ass, bringing myself back under control, keeping my demons at bay, I plan to get some more ass, and that’s Allie’s.


The offices around mine are empty and most of the overhead lighting is turned off for the night when I press my phone tight against my ear and grumble at Kevin, “Your clients are still undecided?” I glance at the clock, seeing it’s already seven and hating the fact that I’m still at work. I don’t want to be. But I can’t mess up my first deal at Holt. I told Micah I would kick ass. I gotta kick ass.

“I’m sorry,” Kevin replies, voice full of sympathy. “I know you were hoping they would agree, but they aren’t the type of clients I can push. It’s not a no, it’s just a not tomorrow. I promise the second they agree to letting the Lowes see their house, I’ll call you, no matter the time.”

I want to shake my phone and demand that Kevin shake his clients. Instead, I drop my forehead onto my hand. “Okay, thanks for calling and updating me.”

“No problem,” Kevin says. “We’ll talk soon. Promise.”

“Bye.” I hang up the phone. “Fuck!”

“Language!” Liv exclaims jokingly.

I glance up, finding her hovering over my desk. She gives me a huge, classic Liv smile that usually makes me feel better. It doesn’t even come close to improving my mood tonight. “Sorry.”

Her smile slowly fades. “I take it things with the Lowes aren’t going well?”

“Kevin’s clients aren’t budging and I’ve got nothing else to show them right now.” Because I knew better than to show Jenny a house that didn’t have everything on her wish list. Hell, I’d already shown her houses that had everything on it and she still hated them.

“You’ve had difficult clients before,” Liv says, clearly reading my thoughts, and being her cheerleader self. “You’ve got this.”

I pause and collect myself. “You’re right. I’ve got this.” I run a hand over my eyes, suddenly feeling tired. “Ugh. It got late so fast. Go home. There’s no point in both of us sitting here looking through houses.”

“You sure?”

I drop my hand and smile. “Yup. I’ll be on my way soon, too.” I hate working late. Or if I must, I try to do it from home. Then I don’t feel like I’m working all the time.

Liv steps away from my desk. “Okay, only if you’re sure.”

“Yup, I’m sure.”

She gathers her things at her desk and then blows me a kiss before leaving our office.

Before I go, and to ensure I don’t think about the Lowes when I get home, I draw in a huge deep breath, shedding any tension in my voice, and pick up the phone again, dialing Jenny’s cellphone.

“Hello,” she answers.

“Hi, Jenny, this is Allie from Holt.” I use my happiest tone. “I was wondering when you were next available for some more showings?” If I had nothing that perfectly fit her requirements, I’d at least show her a couple of the nicest houses I could find. Because showing something is better than showing nothing at all.

“Actually, Peter and I are going away this weekend to the Hamptons. We won’t be back until Monday.”

Score for me! “Sounds lovely,” I reply. “Leave this with me for the weekend then and I’ll find some more listings to show you on Monday morning. Does that work?”

“Yes, that’s great. Goodbye, Allie.”

“Bye.” I hang up the phone, flop back into my chair, and close my eyes, thanking the real estate gods. A couple more days to either let Kevin’s house pan out or to find something else spectacular is precisely what I need. The waiting game in real estate is the most stressful part, especially when dealing with people who have no patience. Luckily, I have lots, so usually things balance out okay.

“Sleeping on the job? I should fire you.”

I smile at the low voice filling my office, partly because I love the way Micah’s voice is almost caressing me with its rich vibrato. “I’m too important to fire,” I muse.

“Now, that I won’t argue with.”

I lift my head and reopen my eyes to him, suddenly well aware by the raising of the hairs on my arms and the flutter in my belly that we are very much alone at Holt tonight. I’m not even sure if it’s how he’s looking at me now in his commanding way, or if it’s only in my mind, but he seems decided about something. It’s like he’s decided about me. If I’m being honest, after today, I feel more decided about him, too.

He leans against the doorframe, watching me carefully. “Another rough night, Miss Parker?”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dirty Little Secrets Erotic