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“Blame your wife,” Rhett growled.

Asher’s deep laugh filled the truck as Rhett turned on the ignition, and soon, they left the small town behind for the country roads heading toward Whitby Falls. Traffic was typical along the coastline, with most driving slow to take in the scenery. Rhett passed two cars before he settled into the open road.

When the town faded behind them, Asher broke the silence. “Have you given King a heads-up on this meeting?” he asked.

Rhett nodded. “I thought surprising him wasn’t in my best interests.” King was a smart criminal, so smart that he had people believing he’d gone straight. “He’s expecting me.”

“Smart call,” Asher said, taking out his cell phone. He laughed a moment later. “Remy has instructed me to bring you back to her shop when we’re done.”

“You can try,” Rhett warned, grinning at Asher, all teeth.

Asher chuckled and fired off a text.

Not that Rhett blamed Remy for trying to make the situation better. She and Kinsley were connected in ways Rhett couldn’t even fathom. If Kinsley was feeling off, Remy would feel the same way too. But that didn’t mean Rhett would indulge Remy. If he did, she’d unleash the full force of her New Age magic on him.

Outside his window, the bright sun glistened along the ice on the water, and on any other day, Rhett would’ve sunk back into his seat and enjoyed the ride. While on tour in the Afghan mountains, he’d often dreamed of the ocean, of the coast, even in wintertime. Nothing was as beautiful…well, he could think of one thing more beautiful.

“Did you get anything on Kinsley’s employees?”

Rhett shook the thought from his head. He’d run Benji, Lola, and Justin before dropping the key off to Kinsley. “They’re clean, but I’m not ruling out Benji.”

“Why?” Asher asked. “Because he’s slept with Kinsley?”

Rhett knew they’d been intimate only because Boone had shared that info when Kinsley hired him. He’d been against her hiring an ex-boyfriend. She’d ignored Boone, like she ignored most people. She always went with her gut. Rhett liked that about her. “That has nothing to do with anything,” he retorted.

“Sure it doesn’t.” Asher smirked.

Rhett focused back on the road, not allowing Asher to turn this conversation personal. Kinsley had been threatened. Rhett would find out why. “Someone had a way to disable her security system,” he said, reminding Asher of that fact. “This could very well have something to do with someone who works there.”

Asher didn’t look convinced and ignored Rhett’s redirect of the conversation. “Speaking of Kinsley, how’s things going there?” he asked.

Rhett’s jaw clenched and his fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “The only thing I want to talk about is how to keep her safe.” He gave Asher a sidelong look. “Got it?”

Asher’s brow

s rose. “In a mood today, huh?”

Damn. Rhett rolled his shoulders and relaxed his jaw, keeping his gaze focused on the road ahead. Both Asher and Boone were his found brothers. They were also the only family he had back in Stoney Creek. “This is…it’s…”

“Tense,” Asher offered. “I got that.”

“That’s all it is right now,” Rhett said, having nothing more to give. “She’s fine. I’m dealing with all this. That’s all I got.”

Asher inclined his head and didn’t push anymore; he simply continued looking out the window.

Most days, Rhett wondered what he did to deserve the friends he had. They were understanding, loyal, and supportive. When Rhett first returned from the Army, he’d been in a dark place, and they had stuck by him. Every single one of them. He kept his focus on the road, getting the subject off Kinsley. Truth was, Rhett had no answers, only pulsing emotions that felt like they were tottering on the edge of control.

They spent the rest of the drive in silence, and by the time Rhett drove along the endless shops and restaurants of The Square in downtown Whitby Falls, he was cemented in his decision to talk with King. He had no clue as to how he could make all this right with Kinsley, but he knew how to protect her.

That was a start.

He drove through the town until they headed back out of the city and into the vast beauty of Maine. Ten minutes later, Rhett pulled into a gated driveway. He rolled down his window, and when the security camera above the gate turned toward him, Rhett announced, his breath clouding, “Detective West and Detective Sullivan to see King.”

“Give me a moment, please,” a low voice said. After a few seconds, he spoke again. “Drive up until you reach the main house. Security will be waiting for you there.”

Rhett rolled up his window and snorted. “Intense setup for a guy who’s trying to make others believe he’s not a criminal.”

The gates opened, and as Rhett drove up the driveway, Asher whistled. “Jesus, look at that house.”

Tags: Stacey Kennedy Dangerous Love Romance