Page 179 of Heads You Win

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“Yeltsin, it seems,” said Ilya. “Vladimir promised him that no matter who succeeded him as president after the next election, he would make sure that he and his family wouldn’t face any charges of corruption or fraud.”

“Then the first thing I’d do as president,” said Sasha, “would be to sack Vladimir and make it clear that no one who’s committed a serious crime against the state will be granted immunity.”

“If you do that, Sasha, you’re going to have to build a lot more prisons.”

“So be it.”

“But be careful who you say that to, because his deputy is here tonight.”

“Which one?”

“The tall, heavyset man talking to Fiona Hunter.”

Sasha glanced over Ilya’s shoulder to see a man handing Fiona his card. Someone he would be avoiding. As he turned back, he noticed the ambassador was standing alone by the mantelpiece, lighting a cigar.

“Forgive me, Ilya. I need to have a private word with your boss. But thank you for the information, most valuable.” Sasha moved swiftly across the room.

“Good evening, Yuri,” he said. “Another memorable party.” Sasha positioned himself with his back to the wall to make sure the ambassador had to turn away from his guests, so that only the most determined, or tactless, would consider interrupting them.

“I spotted you at the Bolshoi last week,” said the ambassador. “Still one of our finest exports.”

“Gudanov was magnificent,” said Sasha.

“We’ve got a problem with him that I may need to discuss with you, but now is not the time. What I would like to know, Sasha, is have you made a decision yet?”

“Before I answer that question, Yuri, I’d be fascinated to hear what you think of my chances.”

“As you well know, minister, I am not allowed to express an opinion. I’m but a humble mouthpiece for the government I serve. But,” said Yuri, switching languages, “if I were a betting man, which of course I’m not, I would place a small wager on you being my boss by this time next year.”

“Only a small wager?”

“Ambassadors always have to hedge their bets,” said Yuri, without even the suggestion of a smile.

Sasha laughed, and wondered how many other politicians he’d delivered those same words to in the past six months.

“And could I make a small request,” said Yuri. “It would be helpful if I could be briefed before you make any official announcement.”

“If I do decide to stand, I’ll make sure you see any statement long before I release it to the press.”

“Thank you,” said Yuri. “There’s one more thing I need to ask you before—”

“Ambassador, what a fantastic party,” said a man who seemed not to have noticed they were deep in conversation and might not have wanted to be interrupted.

“Thank you, Piers,” said the ambassador. “It was good of you to come.” The moment had passed, and Sasha slipped away, as the editor of the Daily Mirror wasn’t one of the four people he needed to speak to. He began to make his way slowly toward the exit, stopping to exchange a few words with several other guests, paying particular attention to those who spoke to him in Russian, as his constituency boundaries might be about to change. As he glanced back into the drawing room, he saw the man he had avoided staring at him.

The clock in the hall chimed once, reminding Sasha he had a vote in the Commons in thirty minutes’ time. Within moments the party would be denuded of politicians of every color as they made their way back to the House for a three-line whip, not that Sasha had any idea which bill they would be voting on.

As he stepped out of the front entrance of the embassy, his car appeared from nowhere, and Arthur leaped out to open the back door. Sasha was just about to get in, when a voice he recognized called out his name.

“Sasha!” He turned to see Fiona running down the steps. “Can I cadge a lift?”

“Of course,” said Sasha, standing aside to allow his old nemesis to join him in the back seat.

“Good evening, Arthur.”

“Good evening, Miss Hunter.”

“I would have liked to stay a bit longer,” Fiona said as the car moved off, “but the chief wouldn’t appreciate it if I missed a three-liner. But more important, Sasha, when are you going to answer the only question that was on everybody’s lips at the party?”

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Historical