Page 142 of Heads You Win

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“Yes,” said Bob Underwood. “I propose that Mr. Alex Karpenko continue as our chairman, as no one can be in any doubt about the outstanding contribution he has made since he took over the chair.”

“I second the nomination,” said Rhodes.

Fowler resumed his role as arbitrator. “Those in favor, please raise their hands.” Only five hands shot up, as Alex couldn’t vote for himself.

Just as Fowler was about to ask for those against, Evelyn slowly raised her hand to join the other five. Fowler couldn’t have sounded more dismayed when he had to announce, “I declare Mr. Alex Karpenko to have been elected as the chairman of the Lowell Bank and Trust Company.”

Several members of the board burst into spontaneous applause, while Ackroyd was unable to hide first his disbelief, then his anger. He along with four other directors immediately rose from their places and left the room.

“Judas,” said Ackroyd, as he walked past Evelyn.

“More like the Good Samaritan!” shouted Underwood before the door slammed shut.

“They’ll be back,” said Alex with a sigh.

“I don’t think so,” said Evelyn quietly. She didn’t speak again until she was sure she had everyone’s attention.

“The reason I was a little late for the board meeting, gentlemen,” she said, “was because earlier this morning I had a visit from a senior officer with the Boston police department.” Every eye was fixed on her.

“It seems that a Blue Jackie by Andy Warhol was stolen from the Lowell Collection while Lawrence was serving in Vietnam.” She paused and took a sip of water, her hand trembling to show how distressed she was.

“When the officer told me the name of the culprit, I was so shocked, I immediately consulted my lawyer, who advised me to attend this meeting and make sure that Mr. Karpenko continues as chairman of the bank. I also felt it nothing less than my duty to assure the chief of police that when Mr. Ackroyd comes up for trial, I will be happy to appear as a state witness.”

Some of the directors nodded, while Alex remained puzzled.

“Congratulations,” said Underwood. “You single-handedly managed to remove five shits with one shovel.”

“But I don’t understand,” said Alex, once the laughter had died down. “Why would you be willing to support me?”

“Because who am I to disagree with my brother’s choice for chairman?” Not one of the remaining board members believed her for a moment, and they were even more surprised by her next statement. “And to that end, I would like to place on record that I am willing to sell my fifty percent holding in the company for one million dollars.”

Now Alex understood exactly why she needed Ackroyd out of the way. He was about to respond to her offer, when Miss Robbins burst into the room and handed him a slip of paper. He unfolded it, read the message, and smiled before rising to his feet.

“Wild horses couldn’t have dragged me away from this meeting,” he said, “but the words ‘your wife’s gone into labor’ certainly can and will.” He was already on the move.

A second round of applause followed, and when Alex reached the door he turned and said, “Bob, will you take over the chair? I don’t think I’ll be back today.”

“There’s a taxi waiting for you,” Miss Robbins said as they went down in the elevator.

The cab sped off as if it was on the front of the grid at Daytona. Alex had to cling on to his seat as the driver swerved in and out of the traffic. Clearly the words “she’s in labor” created another gear.

By the time the taxi came to a screeching halt outside the hospital entrance fifteen minutes later, two police motorcycles were on their tail. Alex prayed they were both fathers. He took his wallet out, handed the driver a hundred-dollar bill, and ran inside.

“Your change!” shouted the driver, but Alex had long since disappeared.

He crossed the lobby to the front desk and gave the receptionist his name.

“Maternity unit, 6B, fourth floor,” she said, checking her screen and smiling. “Your wife got here just in time.”

Alex ran to the elevator, jumped in, and jabbed the number 4 several times, only to discover it didn’t make it move any faster. When the doors eventually slid open on the fourth floor, he walked quickly along the corridor until he came to a door marked 6B. He charged in to find Anna sitting up in bed, holding a little bundle in her arms. She looked up and smiled.

“Ah, here’s your father. What can have taken him so long?”

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here in time,” said Alex, taking her in his arms. “Something unexpected came up at the office isn’t much of an excuse, but at least it’s true.”

/> “Meet your son and heir,” said Anna, handing him over.

“Hello, little fellow. Had a good day so far?”

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Historical