Page 94 of False Impression

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“And that also explains,” jumped in Macy, “why you sent the red box back to London, even allowing it to be intercepted by Art Locations and delivered on to Fenston in New York.”

Anna nodded.

“But you must have realized that you’d be found out in time?” queried Jack.

“In time, yes,” repeated Anna. “That’s the point. All I needed was enough time to sell the original, before Fenston discovered what I was up to.”

“So while your friend Anton was working on the fake, you flew on to Tokyo to try and sell the original to Nakamura.”

Anna nodded.

“But did you succeed?” asked Macy.

“Yes,” said Anna. “Nakamura agreed to purchase the original Self-Portrait for fifty million dollars, which was more than enough for Arabella to clear her sister’s debts with Fenston Finance while still holding on to the rest of the estate.”

“But now that Fenston knows that he’s in possession of a fake, he’s bound to get in touch with Nakamura and tell him what you’ve been up to,” said Jack.

“He already has,” said Anna.

“So you’re back to square one,” suggested Macy.

“No,” said Anna with a smile. “Nakamura has already deposited five million dollars with his London solicitors and has agreed to pay the balance once he’s inspected the original.”

/> “Have you got enough time?” asked Macy.

“I’m flying to London this evening,” said Anna, “and Nakamura plans to join us at Wentworth Hall tomorrow night.”

“It’s going to be a close-run thing,” said Jack.

“Not if Leapman delivers the goods,” said Macy. “Don’t forget what he has planned for tonight.”

“Am I allowed to know what you’re up to?” asked Anna.

“No, you are not,” said Jack firmly. “You catch your plane to England and close the deal, while we get on with our job.”

“Does your job include keeping an eye on Tina?” asked Anna quietly.

“Why would we need to do that?” asked Jack.

“She was fired this morning.”

“For what reason?” inquired Macy.

“Because Fenston found out that she was keeping me informed of everything he was up to while I was chasing halfway around the world, so I fear that I’ve ended up putting her life in danger as well.”

“I was wrong about Tina,” admitted Jack, and looking across at Anna added, “and I apologize. But I still can’t make out why she ever agreed to work for Fenston in the first place.”

“I have a feeling I’ll find out this evening,” said Anna. “We’re meeting up for a drink just before I leave for the airport.”

“If you have any time before takeoff, give me a call. I’d be fascinated to know the answer to that particular mystery.”

Anna nodded.

“There’s another mystery I’d like to clear up before you leave, Dr. Petrescu,” said Macy.

Anna turned to face Jack’s boss.

“If Fenston is in possession of a fake, where’s the original?” he demanded.

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Mystery