Page 65 of False Impression

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“I just phoned to warn you—”

“Warn me?” said Nakamura.

“I’m told that Petrescu tried to sell you a Van Gogh.”

“Yes, she did,” said Nakamura.

“And how much did she ask for?” said Fenston.

“I think, to use an American expression, an arm and a leg.”

“If you were foolish enough to agree to buy the picture, Mr. Nakamura, it could end up being your arm and your leg,” said Fenston, “because that picture belongs to me.”

“I had no idea it belonged to you. I thought that it—”

“Then you thought wrong. Perhaps you were also unaware that Petrescu no longer works for this bank.”

“Dr. Petrescu made that all too clear, in fact—”

“And did she tell you she was fired?”

“Yes, she did.”

“But did she tell you why?”

“In great detail.”

“And you still felt able to do business with her?”

“Yes. In fact I am trying to persuade her to join my board, as CEO of the company’s foundation.”

“Despite the fact that I had to dismiss her for conduct unworthy of an officer of a bank.”

“Not a bank, Mr. Fenston, your bank.”

“Don’t bandy words with me,” said Fenston.

“So be it,” said Nakamura, “then let me make it clear that should Dr. Petrescu join this company, she will quickly discover that we do not condone a policy of swindling clients out of their inheritance, especially when they are old ladies.”

“Then how would you feel about directors who steal bank assets worth a hundred million dollars?”

“I am delighted to learn you consider the painting is worth that amount, because the owner—”

“I am the owner,” bellowed Fenston, “under New York state law.”

“Whose jurisdiction does not stretch to Tokyo.”

“But doesn’t your company also have offices in New York?”

“At last we’ve found something on which we can agree,” said Nakamura. “Then there’s nothing to stop me serving you with a writ in New York, were you foolish enough to attempt to buy my picture.”

“And in which name will the writ be issued?” asked Nakamura.

“What are you getting at?” shouted Fenston.

“Only that my New York lawyers will need to know who they’re up against. Will it be Bryce Fenston, the chairman of Fenston Finance, or Nicu Munteanu, money launderer to Ceausescu, the late dictator of Romania?”

“Don’t threaten me, Nakamura, or I’ll—”

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Mystery