Page 38 of False Impression

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“Yes,” said Ruth. “We’ll begin loading the moment the captain has finished refueling—shouldn’t be more than an hour. Then you can be on your way.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” said Leapman, pushing through the swing doors. “We have a slot booked for eight thirty and I don’t want to miss it.”

“Then perhaps it might be more sensible if I left you to oversee the transfer,” said Ruth, “but I’ll report back the moment the painting is safely on board.”

Leapman nodded and sank back in a leather chair. Ruth turned to leave.

“Can I get you a drink, sir?” asked the barman.

“Scotch on the rocks,” said Leapman, scanning the short dinner menu.

As Ruth reached the door, she turned and said, “When Anna comes back, would you tell her I’ll be over at customs, waiting to complete the paperwork?”

“Anna?” exclaimed Leapman, jumping out of his chair.

“Yes, she’s been around for most of the afternoon.”

“Doing what?” Leapman demanded, as he advanced toward Ruth.

“Just checking over the manifest,” Ruth said, trying to sound relaxed, “and making sure that Mr. Fenston’s orders were carried out.”

“What orders?” barked Leapman.

“To send the Van Gogh to Sotheby’s for an insurance valuation.”

“The chairman gave no such order,” said Leapman.

“But Sotheby’s sent their van, and Dr. Petrescu confirmed the instruction.”

“Petrescu was fired three days ago. Get me Sotheby’s on the line, now.”

Ruth ran across to the phone and dialed the main number.

“Who does she deal with at Sotheby’s?”

“Mark Poltimore,” Ruth said, handing the p

hone across to Leapman.

“Poltimore,” he barked, the moment he heard the word Sotheby’s, then realized he was addressing an answering machine. Leapman slammed down the phone. “Do you have his home number?”

“No,” said Ruth, “but I have a mobile.”

“Then call it.”

Ruth quickly looked up the number on her palm pilot and began dialing again.

“Mark?” she said.

Leapman snatched the phone from her. “Poltimore?”


“My name is Leapman. I’m the—”

“I know who you are, Mr. Leapman,” said Mark.

“Good, because I understand you are in possession of our Van Gogh.”

Tags: Jeffrey Archer Mystery