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I sat up in bed, clutching the sheet to my chest for armor. “Leo, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, my sweet. I simply have a few loose ends to tie up before we head out.” He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. “Get cleaned up. I’ll meet you out front when you’re done.”

I couldn’t hold back my sob as he walked out the door. My body was still slick with sweat from our lovemaking yet I felt a disturbing chill from his abrupt change in demeanor. It didn’t make any sense but I felt like he was saying goodbye. I got out of bed and peeked into the sitting area. Leo was already on the phone with his back turned. I ducked into the bathroom and showered on autopilot. After getting dressed and applying minimal makeup, I stepped out to join him.

“Perfect timing. Vance is waiting downstairs.”

I reached for his arm but he stepped away too fast. “Wait. Can we talk for a minute?”

He made a show of looking at his watch. “I’m sorry, my dear, but we don’t have time. We can talk later.”

The cemetery was a short twenty-minute drive outside Dublin. We parked the car in a small lot and began hiking up a rather daunting hill. Dozens of Celtic crosses rose over the Irish countryside, highlighted by the half-moon. This place would have probably been really pretty during the day, but right then, it was creepy. I kept expecting rotted corpses to rise out of their graves, limping towards me moaning, “Brains…must eat brains!”

We spotted two women waiting in front of a large Virgin Mary s

tatue. Both had their hair pulled back into tight buns and wore long, dark robes and stoic expressions.

The one on the left lifted her chin towards me. “I am Hannah and this is Heather.”

Huh. What strangely perky names for such serious women.

“It’s nice to see you again,” Leo said.

Heather nodded towards me. “Is this her?”

Leo nodded. “Yes, this is Karli Lane.”

Hannah stepped forward and took my hand, momentarily closing her eyes. “She is pure, as you have promised. We will talk.” She cocked her head towards Vance. “And you are?”

He stepped forward and offered his hand. “Vance Alexander.”

She placed her other hand over his. “You have a wealth of power, Warlock, but I sense Fae as well. What is your family background?”

“My mother was half witch, half fairy. My father was a warlock.”

She assessed all three of us. “I find it odd that you two would associate with a vampire.”

“You and me both,” Vance muttered.

Hannah clapped her hands together. “It’s none of my concern. Anyhow, the High Priestess has agreed to a meeting.” She handed Leo a folded piece of paper.

He opened it. “Where does this lead?”

I peered over his shoulder and saw a set of driving directions...I think. It was a little too dark to make out the words. I didn’t have Leo’s super deluxe night vision.

“It will lead you to our home, Quinmore Abbey. Exactly five miles out, the road will appear to end. My sister, Talia, will be waiting for you. She will temporarily lift the wards so you may pass.”

Leo folded the paper and tucked it into his pocket. “When?”

“Tonight. You must leave now. It will take you about three hours to get there.”

Leo looked at his watch. “I need to arrange for nearby accommodations first. We will not have time to return before sunrise.”

“No need,” Hannah replied. “The High Priestess will allow an overnight stay. She has taken certain…precautions that will dull your abilities while you’re within the protection of the abbey. If she approves after meeting you, you will head to the portal the following evening.”

Leo scowled, obviously not liking the power dampening part. “I will do whatever is necessary to give Karli what she needs.”

Hannah nodded. “I will let the High Priestess know you have an extra guest in your party and have agreed to her terms.”

Tags: Laura Lee Pixie Dust Chronicles Vampires