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My stomach leaps into my throat as Logan crosses the room, each step purposeful and confident. The intensity of his glare sets my skin on fire, burning me in a way I’m unfamiliar with. I dispose of the trash, freeing my hands just in case I need to push him away. Or maybe pull him into me. I bet he’s a better kisser.

“So you’re one of Gunner’s playmates now?” Logan asks, his voice dark and deep and full of malice.

“You’ve avoided me for how many days now, and that’s the line you go with?” I shake my head, more amused than disappointed. We’re playing a game of cat and mouse, only Logan doesn’t realize I’m the cat. “Shame. I thought you could do better than that.”

A sinful smirk tugs at his luscious lips. “You know, once you spread those thick legs of yours Gunner will be done with you.”

Fucking dick! My legs aren’t thick. “Screw you.”

The second bell sounds, signaling that anyone from this point forward will be marked late. I should turn and run to my next class, begging my teacher for forgiveness because I had lady issues. Instead, I cross my arms. Even if Logan’s words are cruel, I can’t help but want to hear what he has to say next.

“No thanks. I make it a point not to play anywhere Gunner has been. Or Tad for that matter.” Logan pauses, his brooding gaze scorching my insides. “Jake at least wears a condom.”

“Jeez, Logan. Why do you have to be so gross?” Even if that deep rumble of his makes me shiver in the best of ways, I can’t stomach that he thinks Gunner and I’ve slept together.

Logan reaches out and takes hold of my elbow as I turn to leave. His touch catches me off guard, leaving me lightheaded. I reach behind me for the table, bracing myself as my knees wobble. “You can’t fucking trust him Danica. Gunner is a snake, just like Melody.”

“Like you’re any better? You’ve been nothing but an ass to me ever since I came back.”

Logan groans and kicks the trash can, denting the red metal cage around it. “You’re nothing but a new skirt and the first person to nail you—”

I draw back and punch Logan straight in the nose. His head snaps back, the sound of his bones crushing the only noise in the empty cafeteria. I’ve hit plenty of people since moving to California, probably too many, but each time it was justified. I always felt better afterwards, but for some reason with Logan I feel guilty.

Logan wipes the blood dripping down his upper lip with the back of his hand and attempts to snap his nose back into place, only it’s more crooked than before. Unless it’s fixed, he'll have breathing problems and probably need surgery.

All the tension falls from my shoulders when I step towards him. I did this. I should fix it. “Sit. Let me help.”

Logan folds his arms and stands his ground. Dark circles have already begun to form under his eyes, and the guilt of what I’ve done swallows me whole. He may be an ass, but something made him this way. Maybe if I can figure out what it is and show him that I’m not the enemy, he’ll turn back into the sweet boy I used to know. “Please.”

With a huff, Logan complies.

Having a dad as a doctor, I’ve picked up a few skills. How to set a dislocated shoulder, CPR, how to stitch a wound, how to set a broken nose, where the important places are to stab someone (or in my case hit) when in danger. Basically, Dad wanted to make sure that when I went off to college, I could fuck someone up and then fix what I broke.

“Slide down and rest the back of your head on the table. I don’t want you flinching.”

Logan silently follows my directions. I kneel beside him and place my thumbs along the bridge of his nose. The position is awkward and uncomfortable. I don’t feel like I’ve got a good angle to set the bones correctly.

Without thinking, I kick my leg over Logan’s waist and sit on his lap. Strong hands immediately find my hips. I know it’s a reflex for him, but that doesn’t stop my heart from sending tremors throughout my body.

I close my eyes, letting the high that comes with Logan’s touch take over. I lean closer pressing my stomach against his hard chest. Logan squeezes, his fingers digging into my ass. My nipples pucker under my bra, aching to feel the warmth of his hands.

I snap my eyes open, instantly remembering what I’m supposed to be doing. I clear my throat and align my thumbs with the sides of Logan’s nose. I apply direct pressure and the bones snap back into place. “Done.”

I linger on Logan’s lap a little longer than necessary, but he doesn't seem to mind. I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss him? To satisfy the urges rippling through my body. This thing I feel when he’s near, it’s indescribable because I’ve never felt anything like it before. A magnetic push and pull. An electric shock to the heart. A wave of excitement dipped in fear. Whatever this is, it’s all of that and more.

I slide my hands down Logan’s cheeks, locking my fingers around his neck. My hair falls from behind my shoulder, shielding us in a curtain of rosewater scent. Logan is experienced. He has to know that I want him to kiss me. He kisses everyone with a vagina. So why not me?

I lick my lips, hoping he’ll accept the silent invitation. Instead, Logan shoves me to the floor. I look up at him, tears on the brink of escaping, not because I’m hurt. I’m embarrassed. Even more so when he gets up and walks out without a word.



“I’ve got it!” I yell from my room as I finish spraying my hair. I forgot how bad Florida’s humidity is. If I don’t use extra-hold hairspray my hair frizzes and the curls I twist with my straightening wand fall within minutes of stepping outside. I’m not ready, but I guess my time is up.

I rush down the stairs, eager to get to the door before

my dad does. The last thing I need is for him to drag Gunner into the living room for an interrogation. Things between us aren’t serious and even if they were, I’d avoid that situation at all costs. “Going out. Bye, Dad!”

Tags: Bailey B Romance