Page 43 of Beautifully Broken

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I slam Rex’s bedroom door behind me and run downstairs, out the kitchen, shut myself in the pool house and fall onto the bed. I slam that door too. If there were pictures on the walls they would shake and probably fall to the floor, shattering into a million pieces like my ego. Why is it that when I get the courage to make a move it doesn’t work? Why do they always turn me down? First Cooper and now Rex. What’s wrong with these boys?

Cooper I can maybe understand. We’re best friends, but Rex? I thought all guys wanted sex. I’m pretty...ish and Rex looks at me like I’m the only girl in the world. But he doesn’t want me. There has to be something wrong with me.

He knocks on the door. I lift my head from the pillow. “Go away!”

The door creaks open. I don’t bother to look; I don’t want to see him. My ego can’t take the hit again. Hell, my nerves can’t handle it. Cooper’s a mess. Bane was shot and now this. Nope. I’m done. The bed dips beside me, Rex rests his hand on my lower back. “Piper.”

I turn my head and look at the wall. I’m having my first girlish-over-reacting teenage moment and the boy

I’m freaking out about is the one comforting me. Tell me again how Life isn’t out to fuck me?

“Don’t be mad, but I overheard your conversation with Cooper the other day.”

I groan and curl into the fetal position. No wonder Rex doesn’t want me. Even though Gerald didn’t penetrate me with his dick, he still touched me. Dirtying me. Why would someone as beautiful and perfect as Rex want something a nasty forty-year-old man has tainted.

“It was kind of hard not to hear. You were practically screaming at him.” Rex pauses, probably waiting for me to respond. When I don’t, he continues. “Cooper’s got it wrong. You’re not depressed. You're traumatized.”

“You think?” I chide.

“Look at me.” Rex puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me onto my back. He cradles my cheek and rubs black tear stains from my skin. “Do you like me? Or am I some weird experiment you’re doing with yourself?”

I suck in a breath and exhale loudly. He’s not one for messing around, is he? “I like you Rex. I like how you make me feel.”

“Okay.” he says with a grin, leaning down to kiss me.

“But,” I add. Rex sits back up and looks at me quizzically. “I don’t know my limits. I’m so used to not being able to do anything. Whatever this is terrifies me. Can’t we just get the big stuff over with so I know how far I can go?”

“No, Piper. We can’t just get it over with.” He takes hold of my arms and pulls me until I’m sitting up. “I’ll do whatever you want, but we need to take it in stride. We don’t have to go snail slow, but I don’t want to try too much at once. I want our firsts to be memorable.”

His words while kind, sting. There’s the promise of tomorrow in his eyes but my tomorrows are limited. “Pretty sure you’re not a virgin.”

His head bobbles side to side. “True, but I’ve never had a girlfriend before. So, everything I do with you would be a first.”


“Only if you want to be.”

I bite my lip and nod. Rex takes my hand in his and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles before pulling me into his arms. I lay my head against his chest, listening to his heart race beneath me. “What man turns down sex? I can’t think of anyone at school that would pass this up.”

“First of all, I’m not passing anything up. I’m postponing it. Secondly, the guys at school aren’t men, they’re boys. They only think with their dicks. Real men think with their hearts and baby, until you break it mine’s all yours.”


Does Piper have my heart?

Eh. She’s got some but certainly not all of it. I’d be stupid to fall in love with someone after only a few weeks of hanging out. But there is something gloriously satisfying about the girl you’ve been pinning after for months giving you a chance.

I run my fingers through Piper’s hair a few times. I love how soft it is. Silky black strands that smell like strawberries and cream. She nuzzles into my chest, a quiet moan escaping her. “I should probably get upstairs.”

Her head lifts, those grey-blue eyes peering into my soul. I swear they crush me. Such beauty. Such pain. “Why?”

Piper runs her hand across my stomach. My heart’s racing again, I’m sure she can hear it and my shorts are getting tight. I’m gonna have to relieve myself soon or it’s going to explode. “Um…” Words, damn it. Use your words. “Trying to be respectful.”

Piper giggles and shifts. There’s no way she can’t feel me underneath her. I’m not porn star huge, but I’m not tiny either. Some guys are show-ers, others are grow-ers, I’m a bit of both. Still, the fact that she's acting like it’s not even there is a blow to my ego. She drags her nails down my chest to my belly button. “You know, you can still be respectful and kiss me. I am your girlfriend now.”

Piper’s legs wrap around my waist, pressing me tight against her. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. It slides out, painfully slow, glistening with saliva. I don’t think. My hand goes to the back of her head, pulling her lips to mine. Her mouth is soft and warm. I slide my tongue across her bottom lip, and she parts for me. She tastes like the peanut butter and jelly sandwich we just ate, but it’s delicious. Her hands run down my back, leaving a hot trail behind them. I’m hard everywhere. She’s soft, molding into me, rocking her hips against my very strained shorts.

Tags: Bailey B Romance