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She reaches out anyway and rings the doorbell.

Her hold on my hand tightens, and I can’t be certain but I think she’s holding her breath.

I hear the sound of heels slapping against hardwood floor and then the front door is swinging open, revealing an older form of Nova—also, a much unhappier version.

Her brown hair is pulled back in a tight bun that looks painful, while the messy one Nova usually sports looks light and free.

She sports a pinched look, like someone who’s had too much Botox and can’t move their face.

“Hi, Mom,” Nova speaks softly beside me.

“What are you doing here?” she snaps, her lip curling as her gaze moves from Nova to me.

“We were in town and thought we’d stop by.”

“Hmm, well, come in, I guess.” She steps aside to let us in but I can tell it’s the last thing she wants to do. “Take your shoes off.”

I give Nova a look like is she for real?

Nova’s look back says, unfortunately.

I let go of Nova’s hand and remove my boots. Even though I’m careful to set them aside I still get a dirty look from her mom.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say, even though it’s anything but, and hold out my hand.

She stares at my hand like it’s a wild animal. “Don’t you have a bank to rob?”

My brows shoot up. “Excuse me?”

“I know your type. You have criminal written all over you.”

I glance at Nova and her cheeks are red, not in embarrassment but in anger.

“I can’t say I know what you mean,” I finally reply.

“People with a low IQ wouldn’t understand.” She turns sharply on her heels, heading further back into the house.

I grab Nova’s arm, halting her before she can follow. “What the fuck is that about? Is she for real?”

She shrugs. “This is what I grew up with.”

“I’m surprise she didn’t shove you down the steps when you were pregnant, as awful as that sounds.”

Nova flinches. “Sadly, I am too. I think it’s only because it was Owen’s baby.”

We finally make our way through the house and to a living room. Her mom sits perched on a couch, looking stiff and angry.

“Where’s Dad?” Nova asks.

“In his office,” she replies tartly, barely moving her lips.

“Would you mind asking him to join us?” Nova asks hesitantly.

If her mom’s brows could move, I think they’d furrow in that moment. “Why?”

Nova takes a deep breath, like she has to hold back her irritation. “Because I wanted to talk to you guys while I’m here.”

Her mom looks away. “I don’t know why you’d need to talk now. You left and never looked back.”

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance