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“Ew, get away,” I bat at him.

He chuckles, amused by me and not the least bit afraid.

I settle between his legs, turning to face away from him so I can see the fireworks. It’s almost completely dark now and people begin counting down.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven,” they chant.

We join in with, “Six, five, four, three, two, one.”

Right on cue, fireworks shoot off and explode in the sky.

The red fireworks light up the sky, and before they completely disappear, more go soaring through the air, exploding in a shower of blue and silver.

“Wow,” I murmur, the different colors dancing over our skin.

More shoot off and these are purple. They rain down, reminding me of a weeping willow.

The whole show lasts no more than thirty minutes and ends with an explosion of so many fireworks that my ears will be echoing for the next day at least.

The park begins to clear out and we stand up, gathering up the blankets.

We head back to the house, and Jace and Nova immediately say their goodbyes before leaving in his ancient t


My mom and James depart next.

“Do you guys want to stay a while?” Sarah asks us.

Xander looks at me, letting me make the call. “I’d love to, but I’m really tired. I just want to go home and go to bed.”

She nods. “Understandable. Let me wrap up some leftovers for you. It’ll just take a second.”

“I’ll be in the car,” I tell her. “Thanks for having us today,” I say to Cooper, giving him a hug.

Xander heads inside and returns a moment later with Prue. She runs out and jumps up at me, her tailing wagging.

“We love having everybody over.” He hugs me back, squeezing me a little too tight.

“Bye, we need to do something soon.” I hug Alexis. “And you.” I hug Xavier. “You should come over when you can.”

“I’ll try to fit you into my busy schedule,” he jokes, his brown eyes shining.

“Such a kidder.” I pinch his cheek.

“Hey.” He pulls away, offended by the gesture while I laugh.

I hug my brother and Rae next, and they get in his Jeep and leave. I climb in the truck and Xander puts Prue in, getting in the driver’s seat. I’m buckling my seatbelt when Sarah comes back outside with a bowl of macaroni salad and chocolate pudding that we had for dessert.

I roll down the window for her and she lifts the stuff up for me.

“Here you go, sweetie.”

“Thanks.” I smile gratefully.

“I’ll see you guys soon.” She waves at Xander in the driver’s seat.

“Love you, Mom.” Xander waves back.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance