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And he’s right, I’m too lazy to bother going out to the car to check it. Besides, tonight the only thing on my mind is the move and graduation.

I grab a plate of roast, potatoes, and vegetables, and sit down. The light above the table is on which only serves to illuminate how bare the house really is. There are no longer any photos on the walls, nothing taped to the refrigerator, and no knick knacks on the counters. This place has always felt like home, and all of a sudden it’s not.

Xander comes back into the house and grabs a plate of food before sitting down beside me.

Rae sits across from me, conversing quietly with Cade.

“What if I fall?” I whisper to Xander.

“Huh?” He looks up from his plate of food with a forkful of food halfway to his mouth.

“Tomorrow. What if I fall when I get on stage to get my diploma?”

He lowers his fork. “You’re not going to fall.”

“It’s possible.”

He shakes his head. “Thea, you wear six-inch heels on an almost daily basis and you don’t fall. I think you’ll be fine.”

“But this would be the one time I would fall, and it’d be in front of my whole graduating class. Talk about mortifying.” I hang my head, my cheeks already flaming like I did fall.

Xander touches his fingers to my cheek then trails them down my neck. “Don’t worry so much about stuff like that. So what if you do fall? You’ll get back up and move on.”

“You’re right.” I nod in agreement as his fingers fall away.

“How long are you guys going to be on vacation?” Rae asks.

Xander clears his throat. “A week.”

“I still can’t believe you planned a vacation by yourself,” I mumble. “You did remember to book a hotel, right?” I can’t help but ask—I mean, he is a guy, so it’s a very real possibility that he forgot.

“Yes.” He laughs, looking at me like I’m so cute. I’m dead serious, though.

“How about plane tickets? Did you get those?”

“We could be driving,” he argues.

I narrow my eyes. “I swear to God, if you take me to the mountains on this ‘vacation’ I’m going to push you off a cliff.”


laughs. “I’m not saying.”

I glare across the table at Rae. “It’s the fucking mountains. I know it.”

Xander snickers. “You can think whatever you want, but you’re never going to guess.”

I groan, my fork clanging against my plate. “Just tell me.”

He smirks. “No, that ruins the fun.”

“You know what else ruins the fun? When your dick gets bit during a blowjob.” I level him with a glare.

He pales. “That’s not funny.”

I raise my hands innocently. “I’m just saying.”

“Ew, can we change the subject. I don’t need to hear this,” my brother interrupts.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance