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He nods. “Antibiotics are known to counteract birth control. Your physician should have warned you, but …” He shrugs.

Yeah, but.

He pats my knee. “You’re going to be fine. You can get dressed and check out—they’ll make your next appointment there.”

He leaves the room and I’m left alone with Xander.

“Can I see those?” he asks, holding his hand out for the sonograms.

I hand them over while I put my pants back on.

“I can’t believe that’s our baby,” he murmurs. “It’s so small.”

“It looks like a bean.” I peek at the photo.

“But it’s our bean.”

He touches his finger tenderly to the gray blob. I pause, watching him, with a small smile. While I have my doubts about my ability to be a mom, I have no doubts that Xander will be the best dad ever. This baby is lucky to have him.

We check out and schedule my next appointment for four weeks.

Once in the car, he asks, “When are we going to tell people?”

“I don’t know,” I hedge. “Maybe we should wait until I’m twelve weeks, like the doctor said, something could happen. It’s still early.”

His brows knit together, clearly not liking this. “So, what? If we lose the baby, we’re supposed to just mourn to ourselves and not share that with people?”

I shrug. “I was just repeating what he said,” I mumble. “How about the Fourth of July? That’s in three weeks, and everyone will be together in one place, so maybe we can come up with some fun way to announce it.”

He nods. “Three weeks feels like forever, but I can live with that.”

“My brother is going to kill you when he finds out,” I warn.

He shakes his head. “He’ll be fine.”

“Ten bucks says he at least tries to hit you,” I challenge with a smirk.

“You’re on,” he agrees.

“I’m hungry—can we stop somewhere?”

“Sure, what do you want?”

“Um …” I bite my lip, thinking. “Ooh, Italian.”

“There’s that place you love close to here,” he suggests.

“Dominic’s? Yes, let’s go there!” I bounce in my seat, giddy at the thought of food. I could barely eat any breakfast, so I’m starving.

Xander turns off the highway and drives down the road then into the parking lot for Dominic’s. It’s packed and it takes him a minute of driving around to find an empty spot. When he finally does I barely wait for him to put the truck in park before I’m hopping out.


We head inside and the hostess takes us to a booth in the back.

I don’t even look at the menu, since I know what I want.

When our waiter comes, I order a Sprite and Xander orders a water.

Tags: Micalea Smeltzer Light in the Dark Romance